
What does Elon Musk do when he is busy stuttering?

What does Elon Musk do when he is busy stuttering?

When Elon is busy stuttering, he is most probably considering, in an ongoing manner, if what he is saying will make as much sense to as many people as possible and be accurate at the same time while remaining on point. That is multitasking. All while choosing what to include and not to include as his mind delivers to him much on the topic at hand.

What does Elon Musk actually think when he speaks?

When Elon speaks he is so focused on giving the correct information that he stumbles over his words as he attempts to be 100\% accurate. He’s actually thinking when he’s talking versus everyone else who just shoots their mouth off to say something that sounds good but is completely full of shit.

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How did Elon Musk get a job at Netscape?

STORY TIME! So when Elon graduated from University of Pennsylvania back in 1995, he actually tried to get a job working for Netscape. He sat in the lobby for like an hour, but couldn’t work up the courage to talk to anyone.

What is stuttering and what causes it?

Stuttering is a disorder condition which provokes a delay – between brain and mouth, between thinking and verbal expression! It may happen with people who speaks by improvisation – without using a previously written speech. They don’t stutter when they memorize what they want to say – for some reason there are no stuttering singers…

Is Elon Musk a good public speaker?

Musk is an unpolished public speaker at the best of times, but in this presentation he seemed more challenged than usual. He mumbles through the important phrase “multi-planet species” so fast that it’s difficult to hear correctly.

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What is Elon Musk’s Tesla cybertruck?

Another presentation by Elon Musk, which has made an impact in the minds of these stakeholders, features the super-rugged Tesla Cybertruck. With this presentation Musk has given us a kaleidoscope to view the otherwise ordinary objects with a technologically advanced angle.