
How many car lengths should be left between vehicles when coming to a stop?

How many car lengths should be left between vehicles when coming to a stop?

For example, you should stay at least 70 feet or five car lengths away from a snowplow. For other standard cars, try to stay around 243 feet or about 16 car lengths away whenever you can. Of course, heavy traffic and busy roads don’t always make this possible but this is the best space to ensure you can stop safely.

Why is it important to leave enough distance between you and the car in front of you?

Many accidents and deaths could be prevented by simply leaving enough space between cars to allow for sudden stops. Even in inclement weather, people will tailgate the vehicle in front of them. Sometimes — because of delays caused by the weather — drivers are actually more likely to tailgate.

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How many car lengths should you leave between you and the car in front of you when traveling 60 mph?

Many drivers follow the “three-second rule.” In other words, you should keep three seconds worth of space between your car and the car in front of you in order to maintain a safe following distance. Many other organizations promote the three-second rule, including: National Safety Council (NSC) AAA Auto Club.

How many car lengths should you leave the person in front of you when traveling at 50 mph?

Driver Care – Know Your Stopping Distance

Speed Perception/Reaction Distance Equal to Approx Number of Car Lengths (@15 feet)
40 mph 59 feet 9
50 mph 73 feet 14
60 mph 88 feet 18
70 mph 103 feet 23

Is it illegal to text and drive in Georgia?

Georgia recently passed a new law that makes it illegal to text on a cell phone while driving. The DUI statute makes it illegal to drive a “MOVING vehicle”. The statute dealing with texting has no “moving” requirement in order to be in violation of the law.

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When making a U turn you should not?

Never make a U-turn: At or on a railroad crossing. On a divided highway by crossing a dividing section, curb, strip of land, or two sets of double yellow lines. Where you cannot see clearly 200 feet in each direction because of a curve, hill, rain, fog, or other reason.

What does alcohol do to your driving?

Reaction Time – Alcohol can slow reflexes, which can decrease the ability to react swiftly to changing situations. Vision – Alcohol can slow eye muscle function, alter eye movement, and alter visual perception, possibly resulting in blurred vision.

Do you leave one car length in front of You?

I always try to leave one car length in front of me at all red lights, for several reasons: 1) It provides some space to maneuver if the car ahead of you becomes disabled or, more important, if someone approaches your car on foot with ill intent.

Why is it so hard to make a left-turn in traffic?

The resulting long line of cars and open space make it impossible to get into the left-turn lane until the through traffic gets a green light and begins moving (by which time, of course, the left-turn signal has turned red).

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What are the pros and cons of having two cars?

1) If the car in front breaks down, the car behind can move around without having to back up. 2) If the second car is rear-ended, it might not hit the car in front — saving damage to the middle and front cars and passengers, 3) The second car is less likely to be completely boxed in by potential “evil-doers.”

Why is it important to have room in front of a car?

1) It provides some space to maneuver if the car ahead of you becomes disabled or, more important, if someone approaches your car on foot with ill intent. 2) If someone hits you from behind, you stand a better chance of avoiding a collision with the car ahead if you have room in front.