
Are photons only found in visible light?

Are photons only found in visible light?

Photons are present in visible light, but not only in that portion of the spectrum. All wavelengths and frequencies of light have photons, and there are other electromagnetic radiations as well which contain them.

Can we see electric and magnetic fields?

It is not possible to see an electromagnetic field. An electromagnetic wave is visible if it is at the right frequency. One could also observe the effects of the fields; however, not the fields themselves.

Can a magnetic field be visible?

When things made of metal or other magnets come close to this region of space, they feel a pull or a push from the magnet. Scientists call these invisible influences FIELDS. You can make magnetic fields visible to the eye by using iron chips sprinkled on a piece of paper with a magnet underneith.

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Are electromagnetic fields made of photons?

Electromagnetic fields are made out of photons. The magnitude and direction of the electromagnetic field intensity at any point is directly proportional to the magnitude and direction of the force of the photon at that point.

Are photons visible?

Yes. In fact, photons are the only things that humans can directly see. A photon is a bit of light. Human eyes are specifically designed to detect light.

What about a purely magnetic wave with a magnetic field but no electric field?

No, it is not possible to create magnetic waves without an electric field being present. Electric fields are created by electric charges. In fact, every time you change a magnetic field, you create an electric field. This is called Faraday’s Law of Induction.

What is the difference between electric and magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a field explaining the magnetic influence on an object in space. A electric field is a field defined by the magnitude of the electric force at any given point in space.

Why light is not affected by magnetic field?

The short answer is that only charged particles like electrons or protons are bent when travelling through magnetic fields. Electromagnetic radiation is made up of uncharged photons, so is unaffected.

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Does light react to magnets?

If you point a magnet at a metal object, the object, or the magnet, may move. But if you point a magnet at light, nothing happens at all. Light and magnetism do not interact. They ought to be able to interact, since light is electromagnetic radiation, and all such radiation consists of oscillating magnetic fields.

Is magnetic force carried by photons?

All Answers (731) No, magnetic and electric fields are not made by different photons. So when you construct a (relativistic) quantum field theory, it is necessarily the electromagnetic field, not the electric or magnetic fields, that would be interacting with charged sources.

Do photons travel between magnets?

You are right, real photons always travel at the speed of light and would carry energy away from a magnet. From a field theory point of view, all static fields, whether electric, magnetic, the weak nuclear force or the strong nuclear force can be thought of as being mediated by virtual particles.

Why don’t photons interact with magnetic fields?

That’s why photons don’t interact with magnetic fields — the photons which make up the magnetic field are not charged so other photons cannot interact with them. Technical p.s.: photons have entourages of electrons (and other stuff) around them, and so photons can interact with other photons by interacting with this cloud of charged stuff.

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What is the importance of photons in physics?

Since then, photons have been found to play a central role in the explanations of many physical phenomena, from explaining how much heat is radiated by hot objects to modern quantum cryptography. But on to your question! The classical model of electricity and magnetism makes use of the ideas of electric and magnetic fields.

Why can’t we see static magnetic fields?

The reason you can’t see any static magnetic field is that your eyes are only sensitive to waves (and furthermore only to a specific range of wavelengths). The answer is no deeper than that. Manchot is doing you a disservice by putting specific numerical values in your head; forget the numbers.

What is the difference between an electric and magnetic field?

In a moving reference frame, a magnetic field appears instead as a combination of a magnetic field and an electric field, so electric and magnetic fields are made of the same “stuff” (photons). Some electromagnetic interactions involve “real” photons with definite frequencies]