Tips and tricks

Is everybody equally intelligent?

Is everybody equally intelligent?

Since the common ancestry among all humans is fairly recent, that means that all tribes are about equally intelligent. And that implies that environmental and political factors (and biased assessment) account for perceived differences.

What actually makes someone smart?

Being smart is something that’s grown and cultivated, often by being curious enough to seek out new information and by recognising what you don’t already know. Being smart is the ability to put ideas together, and create solutions to problems. Being smart is the ability to focus, concentrate, and communicate.

What makes a high IQ?

A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.

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What makes one child smarter than another?

“It’s idiosyncratic factors that make a difference,” he says, “like the kid becomes ill or something like that – but even then, children tend to bounce back to their genetic trajectory.” This article appeared in print under the headline “What makes one person smarter than another?”

Do you believe that all humans are equal?

Yes, for the most part. All humans are (or should be) entitled to the same basic rights. Not all humans are equal since the universe doesn’t work that way – some are pretty, some are homely..Some are smart, some are slow.

Can all humans achieve the same things?

Hey, we all are humans and humans are intellectual beings. If one human achieves something, it means that all other humans surely have the “potential” to achieve the same. It just depends on our mind set.

Do You Believe in equality in society?

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Yes, but equality is not sameness.. We all have the same basic human equipment and of course that makes us all equal. However, we have various talents and degrees of intelligence. That means everyone can contribute to society in some way and all should be valued for the ways in which they make that contribution.