
Why did the Allies win both wars?

Why did the Allies win both wars?

Air power provided a short-cut to victory in both theatres; British and American wartime losses were a fraction of those sustained by Germany, Japan and the USSR, and this in turn made it easier to persuade democratic populations to continue fighting even through periods of crisis and stalemate.

What were two reasons why the Allies were able to defeat the Axis powers?

What were two reasons why the Allies were able to defeat the Axis Powers? -The Location of Germany: It could be attacked on all sides. -Soviet Union fought Germany and proved very powerful. Hitler did not realize that Russians would fight so hard.

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Where did Germany surrender unconditionally to the Allies?

Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims On May 7, 1945, the German High Command, in the person of General Alfred Jodl, signs the unconditional surrender of all German forces, East…

What was the date of the first unconditional surrender?

American troops celebrate Germany’s first unconditional surrender effective May 8, 1945. To avoid the possiiblity of an illegitiimate surrender, U.S.S.R. leader Joseph Stalin would organize a second surrender the following day. Photograph by Hulton-Deutsch Collection, Corbis/Getty

What did General Jodl want from the surrender terms?

At first, General Jodl hoped to limit the terms of German surrender to only those forces still fighting the Western Allies. But General Dwight Eisenhower demanded complete surrender of all German forces, those fighting in the East as well as in the West.

How did the surrender of WW2 affect the civilian population?

The surrender came as a shock to most German civilians, who had been told their military was on the verge of victory. As a result, rumors began to circulate that Germany’s new, civilian government—and other popular scapegoats, such as Marxists and Jews—had stabbed the military in the back.