
Do people still use Stack Overflow?

Do people still use Stack Overflow?

Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers. As of March 2021 Stack Overflow has over 14 million registered users, and has received over 21 million questions and 31 million answers.

What is underflow in stack?

An error condition that occurs when an item is called for from the stack, but the stack is empty. Contrast with stack overflow.

How embedded C prevent stack overflow?

One method to prevent stack overflow is to track the stack pointer with test and measurement methods. Use timer interrupts that periodically check the location of the stack pointer, record the largest value, and watch that it does not grow beyond that value.

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What causes a stack to overflow?

Now, stack is usually reserved in memory in such a way that it grows in opposite direction to the heap so, given a big number of calls without “coming back” the stack begins to get full. Now, on older times stack overflow could occur simply because you exausted all available memory, just like that.

Is it too late to prevent stack overflow?

A stack overflow occurs when Jeff and Joel want to give the world a better place to get answers to technical questions. It’s too late to prevent this stack overflow. That “other site” could have prevented it by not being scuzzy. 😉

How do you prevent stack overflow?

Infinite recursion is a common way to get a stack overflow error. To prevent – always make sure there’s an exit path that will be hit. Another way to get a stack overflow (in C/C++, at least) is to declare some enormous variable on the stack.

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How common is stack overflow in real code?

A stack overflow in real code occurs very rarely. Most situations in which it occurs are recursions where the termination has been forgotten. It might however rarely occur in highly nested structures, e.g. particularly large XML documents.