Tips and tricks

Is Cracking Infosys interview easy?

Is Cracking Infosys interview easy?

The difficulty level of Infosys interview is moderate. If you have good technical and communication skills, then you can easily crack all the rounds without any difficulties.

Does Infosys have cooling period?

1) If a candidate has attended an interview within the past 9 months from the date of new application, then he/ she is ineligible to apply. 2) If a candidate has been rejected by Infosys in an interview, then the candidate is ineligible to apply again for a period of 9 months after the interview.

Who is not eligible for Infosys interview?

Candidates who have participated in any Infosys Interview process in the last 9 Months are not eligible. Should be from a Full-time Degree course recognized by the Central/State Government of India. The candidates must not have any pending attendance requirement with the college.

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What are the aptitude questions asked in the Infosys interview?

The list of aptitude questions that have been asked in the Infosys interview are given below: 1) X fires 5 shots to Y’s 3, but X kills only once in 3 shots while Y kills once in 2 shots. When Y has missed 27 times, X has killed: Let the total fires y.

How to register for Infosys off campus recruitment?

Register for Infosys off campus process here. Infosys pattern for recruitment of fresher is same in all 3 processes. Candidate need to have scored minimum of 60\% in Class 10 th, 12 th and in graduation. In case of CGPA, Candidate need to have scored minimum of 6.5 CGPA on scale of 10.

What is the education gap between 10th and graduation in Infosys?

B.Tech. (All Branches) There should be No Backlogs at the time of Selection Process. The education gap should be of maximum 2 years,if any, is allowed between 10th and graduation. Candidates who have participated in any Infosys Interview process in the last 9 Months are not eligible.