Tips and tricks

Can your employer force you to work 12 hour shifts?

Can your employer force you to work 12 hour shifts?

12 hour shifts are legal. However, the regulations generally require that there should be a break of 11 consecutive hours between each 12 hour shift. 12 hour shifts should be considered in the context of both patient safety and the physical and psychological demands of shift work.

Can I refuse to change my working hours?

Usually your employer needs your agreement to change your contract. You can refuse to accept the change, and your employer normally cannot force you to accept it but there are some exceptions to this and ways employers can impose changes.

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Can an employer change your hours?

Your employer does have the right to change your working hours as they see fit if you do not have an employment contract in place that specifically states your hours of work. However, there are some legal obligations that must be met in order to do so.

Can my employer change my job role and reduce my salary?

An employer cannot usually impose a pay cut unilaterally on employees. If employers want to reduce pay for another reason – such as the employee underperforming, not meeting targets or earning more than the organisation can afford – they need to consult with employees.

How much notice does your employer have to give you to change your shift?

Organisation is key. It seems as though seven days is a commonly-accepted minimum notice period that employers should give their employees when it comes to shift schedules and shift changes. While this isn’t always possible, it is possible to minimise errors and reduce last minute changes.

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Can my employer force me to change my shift patterns?

The first point to make is that an employer cannot force someone to change shift patterns. This is unreasonable and if your work contract stipulates particular work hours your employer will need your agreement to change them. This will require a new work contract.

Can my employer force me to change my working hours?

If your contract limits your working hours or days (for example from 9am to 5pm), your employer can request that you change these hours. However, they cannot force you to do so. It is always worth discussing any requested changes with your employer as you may be able to agree with your employer a compromise that suits you both better.

What happens if you “shift swap” with another employee?

Note that if you choose to “shift-swap” with another employee and end up with fewer hours than stated in your contract, that is your choice. Your employer is not obliged to give you additional hours to make up the deficit. I have a contract for 21 hours and my employer has just told us we are having a delivery every day Mon-Sunday for xmas.

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What happens when you switch employees from salaried to hourly?

When switching employees from salaried to hourly, you’ll need to figure out what to pay them. The employee’s hourly pay rate can be lowered to “match” their old weekly rate as long as they do not drop down below the federal and state minimum wage.