What are the best days to run Facebook ads?

What are the best days to run Facebook ads?

Monday and Tuesday between 9 am and 12 pm. Wednesday and Thursday between 12 pm and 3 pm. Friday and Saturday between 3 pm and 6 pm. Sunday from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Does Facebook approve ads on the weekend?

In reality, some ads are approved in minutes, while some can take days. There’s no official expedite function within the Facebook ads review policy; however, there are some things you can do that may help speed things along. Publish between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Are Facebook ads more expensive on weekends?

Cost Per Click by Day of the Week – 2019 In 2019, the fluctuation in cost-per-click between weekdays and weekend days was up to ten cents at it’s peak. Additionally, the CPC tends to be slightly cheaper during the weekend.

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Should you run Facebook ads on a schedule?

If you had to manually post ads during peak times for your audience, your ad management could take up hours of your week. The off-peak times when they’re online will typically have lower ad costs. If you schedule your ads for these times, you’ll likely save more money than if you didn’t use a restricted schedule.

How long should I let my Facebook ads run?

Now, for a typical campaign my advice is to aim to run your ads for a minimum of 2 weeks….Ad Campaigns

  1. If you create an ad that runs less than 2 weeks, you limit the learning that you (and Facebook) can do from that ad campaign based on the data collected.
  2. You are probably wasting your hard earned money!

How long should you run Facebook ads for?

Ad Campaigns Now, for a typical campaign my advice is to aim to run your ads for a minimum of 2 weeks. Let me break down why this is: If you create an ad that runs less than 2 weeks, you limit the learning that you (and Facebook) can do from that ad campaign based on the data collected.

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Does pausing FB ads at night hurt the ad?

Never PAUSE Facebook ads at night. Because Facebook keeps collecting data points and the moment you stop it or pause it, the ad loses its optimization. The advertisement can go back to the learning stage too if your luck is bad. It is hard to understand the algorithm but not impossible.

How long should I run my Facebook ad for?

3-4 days
How Long to Run A Facebook Ad in the Testing Phase. In general it’s best to test an ad at least 3-4 days before making a decision on how the ad is doing. During this time, you shouldn’t tweak any settings because that resets the Facebook ad algorithm.

When is the best time to run Facebook ads?

There’s been a lot of speculation over the years about the best time to run Facebook ads. It seems like every other day someone new comes out with a study that disproves the last one. First it’s, “ The weekends are the best time to post!” Then somebody proclaims, “No, weekends are the worst! It’s the weekdays that get marketers the best ROI!”

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How do I schedule my Facebook ads?

Facebook’s ad creation tool makes it easy to schedule your campaigns. After you’ve determined your campaign objective, you’ll be taken to a page on which you can input your targeting, budget, and schedule: Instead of clicking “Run ads all the time,” select “Run ads on a schedule.”

What is the best way to advertise on Facebook?

Most data supports that if a video is 15 seconds or less, it gets watched by a user to the end. Facebook carousel ads: Display multiple products or multiple features in a carousel fan, allowing the user to swipe through images. Facebook canvas ads: Use several ad types (video ads + single image ads + carousel ads) all at once.

How long does it take for Facebook to review an ad?

It should take up to 24 hours for Facebook to review your ad before publishing it. If the ad respects all the Facebook Advertising Policies it will start running in the next 24 hours. Former data analyst and the head of Whatagraph blog team.
