
What do you call someone who loves to be in water?

What do you call someone who loves to be in water?

Thalassophiles are intimately linked to the ocean breeze and the soothing characteristics associated with living by the sea. The word “thalassophile” derives from the Greek terms thalassa, meaning sea, and phile or philos, a person or thing having a fondness for a specified thing.

What is a water lover?

Definitions of water-loving. adjective. (of plants) flourishing with lots of water. Synonyms: healthy. having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease.

What is Aquaphile?

Aquaphilia may refer to: a love of water sports, such as rafting. a preference for hydro power. a sexual paraphilia involving an attraction to swimsuits, water and submersion. One quote of “Aquaphilia”

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What do you call a water person?

The scientific name is Homo Aquaphile or as more commonly called Hydrophile. They just like Homo Sapien Sapien are a sub branch within the same Human Family.

What is komorebi?

Komorebi, the Japanese expression for the sunlight as it filters through the trees, is made up of the kanji characters for tree (木), shine through (漏れ), and sun (日).

What is Thalassophile?

lover of the sea
1. a lover of the sea. The amount of time he spent on a boat, he considered himself a thalassophile.

What do you call kids that love the water?

aquaphile 12-8-2013 7:33pm.

What do you call a person who loves the ocean?

What do you call a person who loves the ocean? , I am a seafarer and professional ship manager with 35 years of experience and a graduate diploma as a ship ma… The correct term is an oceanophile, or to be really fancy, a thalassophile, but I will respond to almost any polite turn of phrase that has the equivalent meaning.

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What do you call a person who loves light?

Photophile : (n.) a person who loves light. Pluviophile: (n.) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. Pogonophile : (n.) a person who loves or studies beards.

What do you call a person who loves the stars?

Astrophile: (n.) a person who loves stars, astronomy. Autophile: (n.) a person who loves solitude, being alone. Bibliophile: a person who collects or has a great love of books. Caeruleaphile: (n.) a lover of the color blue. Ceraunophile : (n.) a person who loves thunder and lightning.

What do you call a person who loves Thunder and lightning?

Ceraunophile : (n.) a person who loves thunder and lightning. Chasmophile: (n.) a person who loves nooks and crannies. Chionophile : (n.) a person who loves cold weather, snow. Cinephile: (n.) a person who is fond of the cinema. Clinophile: a lover of reclining, lying in bed.