
How many criminals has the Punisher killed?

How many criminals has the Punisher killed?

Actually, the Punisher’s kill list puts even most supervillains to shame, with Marvel Comics putting his body count at a mind-numbing 48,502 people. And that’s not even counting alternate realities, movies, or video games.

How many confirmed kills does the Punisher have?

According to Marvel New Media, The Punisher had killed 48,502 people, and that number has most certainly gone up since then. The Punisher is one of the most notorious characters in the Marvel universe and one of the most prolific anti-heroes in pop culture.

How many has Frank Castle killed?

His crusades have taken some truly gruesome turns as he declares bloody wars on crime and comes out on top. With a kill count of around 48,500, it is obvious that The Punisher does not take prisoners.

Who kills The Punisher?

The two combatants battled it out until Black Widow stabbed Punisher in the shins. In an attempt to reason with Black Widow, the Punisher explained that the Cosmic Cube had the ability to put everything back the way it once was, possibly bringing back Castle’s family and others who had died due to Hydra’s savage ways.

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How does the Punisher get set free from prison?

In order to be set free, the Punisher has to team up with Black Widow on an assignment to prevent stolen S.H.I.E.L.D technology from being sold on the black market by a terrorist organization known as Leviathan.

What happened to the Punisher in Avengers Confidential?

In the anime film Avengers: Confidential, the Punisher is taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D for interfering in what was supposed to be a top secret mission.

Does the Punisher need Romance?

Others might say that a man has needs, and even an effective killing machine needs his fires stoked every now and again. Regardless of where you stand on the matter of romance having any business being in a Punisher storyline, the Punisher has gotten lucky many times.

How many times has the Punisher got lucky?

Regardless of where you stand on the matter of romance having any business being in a Punisher storyline, the Punisher has gotten lucky many times. CBR explores his Queens of the Castle, the ladies who contributed to the 15 times the Punisher got lucky, and what each one meant to his reign of revenge.