
Was Saruman working for Sauron in The Hobbit?

Was Saruman working for Sauron in The Hobbit?

Saruman was pretending to work for Sauron as his loyal servant, but in reality he was trying to acquire the Ring for himself and overthrow Sauron to become the new Dark Lord.

Why would Saruman join Sauron?

Saruman’s real intention was to permit Sauron to build up his strength, so that the One Ring would reveal itself. He later found that Sauron had more knowledge of the possible location of the One Ring than he expected, and in TA 2941, Saruman finally agreed to attack Dol Guldur.

Why did Gandalf go from GREY to white?

Despite his background, Gandalf the Grey chose to roam Middle-Earth in his battered Grey Robes and kept his true powers hidden. He returned in The Two Towers as Gandalf the White, a similar but seemingly more powerful being. It was that resurrection that Gandalf transformed from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White.

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How did Saruman meet Sauron in The Lord of the Rings?

Ten years after Sauron abandoned Dol Guldur, he returned to Mordor and declared himself openly. He established contact with Saruman through the palantír captured from Minas Ithil, which had since become known as Minas Morgul. The White Wizard lost the contest of wills with the Dark Lord and was enticed, becoming a servant of Sauron.

Why did Saruman refuse to step down as King?

Saruman refused to step down due to his pride, while Gandalf had declined. At this point Saruman had begun to sense the resurgence of Sauron and to envy and desire his power, and especially the One Ring.

What happened to Saruman after the Battle of Hornburg?

While coveting the Ring, Saruman kept the pretense of allegiance to the Enemy. But his plans came to naught, and his power was broken in the Battle of the Hornburg and the Battle of Isengard . Before his fall, he was the chief of both the wizards and of the White Council (a league of all those opposed to Sauron).

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How did Saruman prepare for the Battle of Isengard?

In preparation for the war, Saruman amassed a mighty army of Orcs, Uruk-hai, Half-orcs, wicked Men and Wolves within Isengard and kept up the façade of his allegiance to Sauron while searching for the Ring. Little did he know that his master was already aware of his plans, despite having failed to dominate him fully.