
Are INFJs influential?

Are INFJs influential?

INFJs aren’t natural leaders but can be very influential. Unlike some other personality types, they influence others in a very unimposing manner. It’s as if they are quietly working from behind the scenes exerting their influence over others.

Can INFJs make good leaders?

It’s fair to say that Advocate (INFJ) personality types can be pretty good leaders. Studies have shown that, historically, Introverted personalities have been less likely than Extraverted personalities to become leaders, both in formal situations (like work) and informal situations (like a group of friends).

What is Taylor Swift’s personality type?

As an ENFP, Taylor tends to be energetic, adaptable, and inventive.

Why are INFJs so good at being leaders?

This is something which makes them good at fitting into roles which might not appear to be right for them from an outside view. INFJs are naturally in tune with the emotions and needs of others, which is a skill that can be very useful in leadership roles.

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What is extraverted feeling in INFJs?

Extraverted Feeling is the secondary function in INFJs. Deeply concerned with the energy, moods, and feelings of others, INFJs have deep insights into people and situations and make decisions based on how they will affect people. People with extraverted feeling are extremely empathetic and compassionate individuals who enjoy helping others.

Do people see INFJs as indirect?

Apparently, some people see us as so indirect that they don’t want to go to the effort of figuring out what the “deeper meaning” is beneath what we’re saying. When I asked my ENFJ brother how he felt about INFJs’ tendency to avoid speaking our minds, he said, “That is kinda annoying.

Are INFJ’s really that good at Reading emotions?

INFJs are supposed to be really good at reading other people’s emotions, guessing their thoughts, and seeing things from their perspectives. In many situations, that’s true.