
Can I take a Valium after taking a Xanax?

Can I take a Valium after taking a Xanax?

Valium and Xanax can be taken together, but this combination is only medically appropriate in certain circumstances. Xanax and Valium are both drugs that fall within the benzodiazepine class, so prescribing them together is a duplication of treatment.

Does Valium make anxiety worse?

For many Valium users, though, the anxiety actually gets worse on the drug, necessitating progressively higher doses, and expediting the timetable to addiction. For others, Valium is itself the cause of mental illness. Benzodiazepines can alter brain chemistry, leading to a host of mental health problems.

How strong is Valium compared to Xanax?

Well 10 mgs of Valium would equal about .5 mgs of Xanax meaning that xanax (alprazolam) is a more potent drug than Valium (Diazapam). Both are tranquilizers. I have found that if you have a pain factor in your illness valium is more effective rather than xanax.

How does Xanax compare to Valium?

2mg Xanax is equal to 40 mg of Valium. .25mg of Xanax is equal to 5mg of Valium. Xanax is a much stronger benzodiazepine than valium. According to my Doctor who is weaning me off Xanax two 10 mg Valiums are equivalent to 1 mg of Xanax however stay in your system longer than Xanax.

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What is the equivalent of Valium to Xanax?

This answer is crazy. 1 mg of Xanax is almost 20 times stronger than 1 mg of Valium! Xanax 1 mg is equivalent to 10 mg Valium. Long or short acting is an issue with tapering the medication.

What is the difference between Xanax and Valium?

Xanax is a much quicker acting drug than Valium and also stronger. It has a short half life compared to Valium which has a very long half life from 50-200 hours (half life is the amt. of time it takes half the medicine to leave your body). Anyway, one blue 10mg Valium=0.50mg of Xanax. That is how strong Xanax is.