
What causes toenails to thicken?

What causes toenails to thicken?

Toenails can thicken as a result of sudden or repeated trauma or injury. Mostly, this happens to people involved in sport or exercise, such as soccer players, runners, and dancers, but also to people with ill-fitting shoes. Often, thick nails due to injury are mistaken for fungal infections.

Can toenails be thick without fungus?

Not all thick toenails are fungal. There is a misperception that thick toenails are always onychomycosis. Onychomycosis is a common toenail infection caused by dermatophytes, non-dermatophytes and mold that can worsen and become painful if left untreated.

How does a podiatrist treat thick toenails?

A podiatrist will grind the nail at frequent intervals. In some cases, trauma to the nail is permanent and the nail may require removal under local analgesia. In such cases the nail root matrix will need to be destroyed because damaged growth cells will continue to produce a thick new toenail.

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Can thickened toenails be reversed?

Thick toenails can be reversed if the underlying cause is addressed or proper preventative measures are taken. Polishing rough surfaces to make them smoother is a great way to treat thick toenails. Avoid pedicures because they may cause fungal infection to flare up when cuticles are removed.

How do you grind down thick toenails?

Use gentle pressure and grind it thinner until it is normal thickness or starts to get warm. If it gets warm, stop and then do a little more later or the following day. Continue grinding a little each day until the nail is normal thickness.

Can I Dremel thick toenails?

Dystrophic Toenails Not all nails will require a Dremel sander, however, it is common that you’ll see dystrophic nails in this line of work. Dystrophic nails can be thinned through manual sanding, however, the quickest and most effective way to sand very thick toenails is with an electric sanding device.

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How do you thin out thick toenails?

Shorten the nail: Use the ClipPro nail clipper to shorten the nail if it is excessively long. The ClipPro opens wider then most clippers making much easier to trim thick toenails. If the nail is particularly thick you can also use the ClipPro to trim the nail from the top.

How to fix thick toenails home remedy?

Vapor Rub Treatment. Use toenail clippers to cut your nails as short and close to the skin as possible.

  • Epsom Salts Treatment. Clip your toenails as short and close to the skin as possible.
  • White Vinegar Treatment. Trim your nails short and close to the skin.
  • Tea Tree Oil Treatment. Clip affected toenails as close to the skin as possible.
  • How do you fix a thick toenail?

    The following is the recommended way to trim thick toenails: Soak your nails for at least ten minutes in warm, soapy water. Completely dry your toenails. Use the emery board or file. Trim the nails, starting at one corner and continuing straight across to the other corner. Smaller cuts with the trimmer will prevent splitting or chipping.

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    How do you get rid of thick toenails?

    Remember, fungus flourishes well in acidic environments. You will have to soak your feet in a mixture of vinegar and water first. Then afterwards, soak them in a mixture of water and baking soda so as to inhibit the growth and multiplication of the fungus which might be causing toenails to be thick.

    Can thick toenails be cured?

    Changes in your toenails may be a sign of an underlying condition. Toenails that have grown thicker over time likely indicate a fungal infection, also known as onychomycosis. Left untreated, thick toenails can become painful. Prompt treatment is key to curing the nail fungus.