
Which religion came first Hinduism or Buddhism?

Which religion came first Hinduism or Buddhism?

Buddhism evolved from Hinduism and the ancient Indian social structure. In this case, there is a male founder of the religion. His name was Siddhartha Gautama and he was born in South Asia (what is now Nepal) in 563 BCE.

What religion reaches moksha?

Derived from the Sanskrit word muc (“to free”), the term moksha literally means freedom from samsara. This concept of liberation or release is shared by a wide spectrum of religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

Who is called sramana?

Sramana was an ancient Indian religious movement with origins in the Vedic religion. Sramanas were those who practiced an ascetic, or strict and self-denying, lifestyle in pursuit of spiritual liberation. They are commonly known as monks. The Sramana movement gave rise to Jainism and Buddhism.

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Are samadhi and moksha the same?

Samadhi is a deep thoughtless meditation, but it is still in the domain of mind. Its silencing the mind. But not permanently. Moksha is a permanent Transcendence over mind-body-world.

Who is the prophet of Hinduism?

So according to the definition of the prophet that I can understand, he is a person who begins a religion and people of that religion pray to him. In Hinduism since nobody seems to have originated the religion, there is no prophet per se. Another thing in Hinduism is that there is no fixed event when the religion started.

What is the meaning of moksha in Hinduism?

In some schools of Indian religions, moksha is considered equivalent to and used interchangeably with other terms such as vimoksha, vimukti, kaivalya, apavarga, mukti, nihsreyasa and nirvana. However, terms such as moksha and nirvana differ and mean different states between various schools of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

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What is the difference between a Hindu avatars and Saints?

In Hinduism there are saints who can help you be one with God, be spiritual or unravel the complexity of the divine, they are not gods themselves. They may also be known to have divine qualities, but they themselves are not treated as gods or sons of gods. What about Avatars? Avatars are incarnations.

What are the three mārgas in Hinduism?

The third mārga is Karma Yoga, the way of works. The fourth mārga is Rāja Yoga, the way of contemplation and meditation. These mārgas are part of different schools in Hinduism, and their definition and methods to moksha. For example, the Advaita Vedanta school relies on Jñāna Yoga in its teachings of moksha.