Is Mercury in Cancer a good placement?

Is Mercury in Cancer a good placement?

Mercury in Cancer is one of the shyest placements. Because Mercury is never more than a sign away from the sun, many Gemini suns have a Cancer Mercury.

What does it mean to have your Mercury in Cancer?

When Mercury is in Cancer, it has a subtler approach to communication. Instead of relying on the spoken word, it is more intuitive and emotional based. Cancer is a mute sign because it belongs to the water element. Therefore, you can expect to struggle with how to express your sentiments over the next few weeks.

What is a good placement for Mercury?

Mercury is most efficient and effectively placed in Virgo, sign of its rulership and exaltation. People with Mercury in Virgo are helpful and thoughtful communicators and are naturally well spoken. They have an affinity for language and are excellent writers.

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Does Mercury cause Cancer?

When EPA published its Cancer Guidelines in 2005, the Agency concluded that environmental exposures to inorganic mercury and methylmercury are not likely to cause cancer in humans.

What does your Mercury placement say about you?

Mercury is the planet of communication and the mind, and its placement in your natal chart can tell us how you communicate, how you make decisions, and how you process and exchange information. It can also offer insights into your unique sense of humor.

What zodiac signs does Mercury rule?

The planet Mercury rules two signs: Gemini and Virgo. Mercury moves around the zodiac so quickly that, as it makes its away around the Sun ahead of us, it appears to be moving backwards at times.

What kind of cancer can mercury cause?

In very high doses, some forms of mercury have caused increases in several types of tumors in rats and mice. When EPA published its Cancer Guidelines in 2005, the Agency concluded that environmental exposures to inorganic mercury and methylmercury are not likely to cause cancer in humans.

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Why is Mercury in cancer sign considered an unfavorable sign?

The position of Mercury in question is considered unfavorable as this planet is sharing an inimical relationship with the Moon, ruler of Cancer. As Moon becomes a guide to Mercury in this sign, its condition carries a major role in determining deeper outcomes of this combination.

How do Mercury Cancer people take things personally?

Mercury Cancer people take things personally and will clam up if they pick up even subtly bad vibes. With the messenger in watery Cancer, you are moody and defensive with your opinions. You’ve got a sensitivity to criticism about how ideas are presented and can overreact if challenged.

What is the relationship between cancer and Mercury in astrology?

First of all, Cancer is the sign that is linked to the mind while Mercury signifies general intellect. The linkage between these two indicates that these individuals are very clever from their minds.

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What is mercmercury in cancer?

Mercury in Cancer can find an outlet for emotional intelligence through the arts. You’re able to express the depths of any experience, and the poignant yearnings we all have to live, love and belong. This gift also makes you a caring co-worker, parent, friend and so on.