
Is 60 percentile a good score in JEE mains?

Is 60 percentile a good score in JEE mains?

60 percentile in jee mains is not a ver desirable score as far as reputed colleges are concenred.

What is the rank of JEE in 60 percentile?

JEE Main Marks vs Rank- January Session 2020

Marks Rank
41 – 50 246089 – 175204
51 – 60 165679 – 120612
61 – 70 115045 – 85657
71 – 80 82249 – 63079

Can I get IIT with 60 percentile?

60 percentile is bit low score for being eligible for JEE Advance. Although the cutoffs have not yet been out for JEE Advance but it is known to all that top 80th percentile scorers get qualified for JEE Advance.

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What rank is 60\% in JEE mains?

This percentile will fetch you a rank of 174000 approximately.

How many percentile is 60 marks?

For 60marks, you can get 80-82 percentile approximately. This percentile will fetch you a rank of 174000 approximately.

How many marks did you score in the JEE Mains 2019?

I scored around 100 marks in Jee Mains 2019. My rank was around 92000 with 91.6 percentile. I took drop and have scored 98.78 percentile as of January 2020. What was yours? You can reach me out at my Instagram handle.

How is the rank determined using percentile scores in JEE Main?

It is in this manner, the authorities calculate the JEE Main percentile scores and determine the ranks. Basically, your Percentile Score indicates the percentage of students who secured less than or equal to the raw score obtained by you. JEE Main Percentile Vs Rank 2021: How Is The Rank Determined Using Percentile Scores?

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What is the rank mentioned in the NTA JEE Main scorecard?

When we look at the NTA JEE Main scorecard, only the percentile scores in each subject and the total percentile score of the candidates is mentioned. The rank is not mentioned on the result/scorecard for February, March, and April/July exams.

What is the expected rank of CS in JEE Mains 2021?

According to your JEE MAIN 2021 percentile your expected JEE MAIN rank would be around 90699-100246. Based on previous year analysis.. With this rank you have quite less chance to get cs branch in any of NITs. Some of the college in which you would have possibility of getting a seat are the following IIIT DELHI Pillai college of engineering