
Is it okay to take office supplies?

Is it okay to take office supplies?

Stealing supplies from work may seem to some people like a perk of the job—even an action that no one will notice. However, this type of employee theft can be considered a crime. Taking money from your workplace is embezzlement.

Why do employees steal office supplies?

Why Are People Stealing Office Supplies Most office supplies thefts are unrelated to kleptomania. While some employees steal because of financial gain, the most common fuel for office supplies theft is much simpler—dissatisfaction. Such feelings can arise if employees feel let down by management.

Why employees misuse and steal resources?

Need is one reason individuals steal from their employers, and while a need might be based on some particular hardship or change in income, it could also be motivated by an expensive addiction like drug use or gambling. Employees may also steal to get revenge on their employers.

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How do you prevent employee theft of office supplies?

Designate a place to store office supplies under lock and key — such as a cabinet, closet or desk drawer — and provide access to specific employees. Limited access ensures accountability. Create clear, simple policies covering the theft of office supplies.

How do you stop an employee from stealing office supplies?

Create clear, simple policies covering the theft of office supplies. List the items defined as office supplies, such as paper and tape dispensers, so employees understand what the policy covers. Define theft in the policy, such as removing supplies from the workplace for use at home.

Is it common for employees to steal?

Workplace theft is more common than most small business owners think. According to statistics, about 75\% of employees have stolen from their employer once and about 38\% have stolen at least twice. () When you include theft of time, the percent of employees that have stolen from their employer goes up to a whopping 95\%!

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How common is it to take office supplies for personal use?

According to a 2010 survey in the US by staffing firm Spherion, nearly 19\% of workers admitted to have taken office supplies for personal use in the past year. The primary reasons for pilfering: they needed them (41\%), their boss said it was all right (32\%) and the company will never miss the supplies (15\%).

Why do people hoard office supplies?

According to recent OfficeMax (an office supplies company) surveys in the US, 46\% of employees hoard because they don’t know what to throw away; 59\% hide office supplies from co-workers and 56\% took supplies home. So, secret stashes of break-room sugar packets, paper glasses or pens are all signs of hoarding.

Is using office supplies a moral issue?

But no matter how many codes of conduct get printed or how many ethics at workplace discourses you attend, using office supplies is a moral issue, as intangible as moral guidelines go. Here are five common office supplies situations and how to handle them. Like there’s a hoarder in every family, every workplace has one.

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How many people have actually stolen a pen at work?

In a recent anonymous survey by Papermate as part of the launch of a new pen, 100 per cent of office workers admitted to have stolen a pen at work. Other academic researchers have reported that up to 75 per cent of employees admitted to stealing office supplies in the past year.