
Why is Arkham Origins Joker different?

Why is Arkham Origins Joker different?

For the third game, Arkham Origins, there was a slight change to the Joker, however. The villain had previously been played by the iconic Mark Hamill, who’d lent his voice to the character for years. In Arkham Origins, Hamill was replaced by Troy Baker, who fans might best know as the voice of Joel in The Last of Us.

How is Joker in Arkham origins?

Arkham Origins Joker is a deadly and absolutely ruthless card. With a passive ability this makes even blocked specials deal high damage over time, synergy with Harley Quinn/Arkham and a devastating heavy attack combo, he is a terror on the battlefield. He can be unlocked through Challenge Mode.

What was Joker’s plan in Arkham Asylum?

In the game’s main storyline, Batman battles his archenemy, the Joker, who instigates an elaborate plot to seize control of Arkham Asylum, trap Batman inside with many of his incarcerated foes, and threaten Gotham City with hidden bombs.

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Was the Joker in Arkham in Batman Begins?

At the end of Batman Begins, James Gordon (Gary Oldman) shows Batman the Bat-Signal and mentions the case of a criminal accused of bank robbery and homicide who leaves behind a certain playing card. Gordon hands the card to Batman and both him and the audience learn that the criminal is, in fact, the Joker.

Why does the Arkham Joker have red lips?

Unlike most incarnations, the Arkham Joker’s red lips seem to be painted on in order to give himself his trademark smile, as shown by the thicker and messier smile of Origins compared to the cleaner and thinner smile of Asylum. Arkham City showed Joker applying lipstick on himself in order to get his lips red,…

What is the Joker’s ultimatum to Bane?

The Joker laid out his ultimatum: Batman was forced to fight Bane to the death as Joker strapped himself, with a hostage Captain Gordon, to an electric chair that would automatically kill him unless a heartbeat monitor attached to the chair registered Bane’s death.

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How did the Joker kill the warden?

As a wounded henchman caught in wreckage from Deathstroke’s explosive ambush begged for help, the Joker casually picked up a burning beam and began to beat the man to death. As the big night neared, “Black Mask” had his men abduct Warden Joseph from Blackgate Prison and brought to his hideout.

Why did the Joker keep Sionis alive?

The Joker kept Sionis alive to access the bio-metric locks of the Gotham Merchant’s Bank and take the fall, if Joker didn’t feel like killing him first. The next several days were spent holding the former Black Mask captive and torturing him to reveal every detail about himself.