Tips and tricks

What do vegans think about pets?

What do vegans think about pets?

Many vegans feel that given the existence of domesticated cats, dogs and other animals, keeping them as respected and cared for companions is preferable to any other option. The Vegan Society state, “As vegans, we should be working towards a world in which no animal is held in captivity” and this clearly includes pets.

Is it vegan to swallow?

In short, can vegans swallow? Vegans can swallow semen because—for purposes of ingestion—semen is considered vegan-friendly. While sperm are alive in a crude biological sense, they are not conscious or sentient. Vegans are known, above all, for not eating non-vegan food.

What does a vegan feed their dog?

Regardless, dogs can and do easily thrive on a properly formulated vegan diet, and this can be accomplished by feeding them a ready-made vegan dog food, of which several brands exist, or preparing a whole foods vegetable diet for them that includes things like rice, sweet potatoes or carrots, lentils, and other veggies …

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What is veganism and why is it bad?

Another problem with the definition is how it applies to human welfare. Humans are animals, so by definition, veganism should exclude “all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, humans for food, clothing or any other purpose.” You will notice, however, that many vegans could not care less about human welfare generally.

Is vegan food possible and practicable?

There is actually no such thing as “vegan” food and therefore no such thing as a “vegan.” And only someone who is cognitively deficient as most vegans appear to be, could think that they are somehow “innocent” of the mass destruction of animals … just because they don’t eat the bees that they killed. What Is Possible and Practicable?

Is veganism all about protecting non-human animals?

If veganism is all about protecting “non-human animals,” then human welfare cannot be a factor in the calculus. And this means that reducing harm to non-human animals as far as is “possible or practicable” would mean the end of the human race. Because you cannot “do least harm” while continuing to exist as a human.

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What does it mean to be a vegan?

Vegans strongly believe that they are saving animals by not purchasing anything that has anything to do with an animal, and by advocating that others do the same. They believe that, by their advocacy and actions, animals will be free to live their lives as they see fit, or to be released back into the wild where they belong.