
Can I use watch in UPSC exam?

Can I use watch in UPSC exam?

The UPSC allows analog watches for candidates. It is advisable to wear one so that you can always be aware of how much time has passed and how much is left. There is no need to depend on the invigilator for it. Please remember smartwatches or digital ones are not allowed.

How can I write answer in UPSC Civil Services mains?

You should approach the answer from 360 degrees and start writing. Use keywords: Always use keywords to highlight important and scoring points in your answers. Try to underline the keywords. Substantiate your answers: Don’t forget to substantiate what you claim in your answers.

Are mobile phones allowed in UPSC exam?

The UPSC commission said that all exam centres will have to follow Covid-19 safety protocols. The commission has advised candidates not to bring mobile phones, pager, or any electronic equipment or programme device or a pen drive, camera, smartwatches to the examination centre etc.

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Are there any Indian movies about civil service officers?

There are few indian movies in which the protagonist will be a civil service officer posted in a new environment/given a new assignment and tackles the problem by all means which gives the feel of the nature of job, a civil service officer is into. The above list will be updated as and when required.

What is the pattern of the UPSC?

Brother, you must understand here that there is no fix pattern as such which the UPSC follows. The same is expected of you and others preparing for it i. e dynamicity. The life of a civil servant, too, has no fixed patterns. They come across varying challenges so one must be well equipped to tackle them.

What are Jagran Josh’s hobbies for the Civil Services exam?

For the benefit of Civil Services Exam aspirants, Jagran Josh is recommending the following six hobbies that give you pleasure as well as the place in the final merit list. 1. Travelling

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Which is the best movie to watch for high post exam?

But I would suggest you to watch this movie THE EXAM (hollywood) which is about a stress insterview for a high post like CBI or smthng I dont remember much. Its a very good movie.