Tips and tricks

How did Nebula and gamora get to the future?

How did Nebula and gamora get to the future?

The tech fell into the hands of past Thanos after capturing a time-hopping Nebula. The Mad Titan then used it to bring his armies into the future and finish the destructive work his future self had started.

Who was adopted first Gamora or Nebula?

Though initially insisting Thanos was her grandfather, Nebula was actually raised by the Mad Titan, alongside his favored adopted daughter Gamora. Nebula uses her rage to steal property and power, but still harbors dreams of vengeance towards her makeshift father and sister.

What happened to Thor at the end of endgame?

Thor – Considered a failure at the start of Avengers: Endgame, Thor, aka the God of Thunder, finds the courage to face Thanos once again in the final battle and help defeat the Mad Titan once and for all. In the end, Thor understands what it truly means to be king… by not being one anymore.

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What happened at the end of the Avengers Endgame?

Every character in Avengers: Endgame’s final battle came from various corners of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and they united together in their last stand against Thanos, the Black Order, and an army of Outriders in order to protect Earth and, by proxy, the rest of the universe.

What happened to Okoye in Infinity War?

Okoye – Okoye was the only major Black Panther character who wasn’t killed by the snap in Avengers: Infinity War. She continued to coordinate with the Avengers in the five years since the Decimation, and when the time was right, she brought everyone from Wakanda to the Avengers HQ to fight Thanos and his time-traveling army.

How many characters are in the Avengers Endgame?

All 36 Characters In Avengers: Endgame’s Final Battle Avengers: Endgame – Every Character In [SPOILER] Avengers: Endgame has one of the biggest casts to ever appear in a comic book movie, and there’s a particular scene in which many of them appear. By Mansoor Mithaiwala Published Apr 26, 2019