
How did Gandalf heal Theoden?

How did Gandalf heal Theoden?

The book, however does it much more gently. Gandalf does do some scary lightning and magic tricks but then the only thing he does is to take Theoden out and make him look at his country. The mere sight of it heals him and brings the old strength in him.

What’s wrong with Denethor?

‘ Denethor, grief-struck by the apparent loss of his son, ordered his servants to burn him alive on a funeral pyre prepared for himself and Faramir in Rath Dínen. He laid himself down on the pyre and so died, clasping the palantír in his hands.

What happens when denethor faces Gandalf?

The men cower at the sight of Gandalf, whose appearance is like a burst of white light. Denethor throws open the door, drawing his sword, but Gandalf lifts his hand and the sword flies from Denethor’s grip. The wizard decries Denethor’s madness, but the Steward says that Faramir has already burned.

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What does Gandalf do to Theoden?

There, Gandalf breaks the spell that Saruman (using Gríma Wormtongue) has put on Théoden, and then encourages Théoden to gather his Riders and go to Helm’s Deep to fight back the troops of Isengard.

What did Gandalf whisper to Théoden?

‘Verily,’ said Gandalf, now in a loud voice, keen and clear, ‘that way lies our hope, where sits our greatest fear. Doom hangs still on a thread. Yet hope is still, if we can but stand unconquered for a little while.

What Gandalf said to Denethor?

Gandalf : Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, *Steward*. Denethor : The rule of Gondor is mine! And no other’s!

Who corrupted Theoden?

Théoden is introduced in The Two Towers, the second volume of The Lord of the Rings, as King of Rohan. By this point Théoden had grown weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma Wormtongue, who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman.

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Why did Theoden get younger?

This occurred early in the year 3014, when Théoden was sixty-six; his malady may thus have been due to natural causes, though the Rohirrim commonly lived till near or beyond their eightieth year. But it may well have been induced or increased by subtle poisons, administered by Gríma.

Did Theoden have a son in the book?

Théodred was a Prince of Rohan, and the only son and heir of King Théoden, who died during the time Théoden was under Saruman’s spell.