
Is SRM better than SSN?

Is SRM better than SSN?

In terms of Infrastructure, SSN is near perfection. So, in a nutshell, SSN is better than not only SRM but also the entire crop of educational institutions in the city (excluding IIT-M). In SRM UNIVERSITY is focus on all catagories such as sports etc..

Which is best bits or Vit?

As far as VIT is concerned, Vellore is best. Overall Placements near to 100 Percentile woth 4-6LPA as Average package, highest at 18LPA. Decent Faculty and Infrastructure. Return on Investment is better at BITS and is ranked way higher than VIT.

Which is best SSN or Amrita?

Ranking: SSN College: It is ranked 44 for Engineering by NIRF 2020 stats. Amrita University Coimbatore: It is ranked 8th best university in India by NIRF. Sastra University Thanjavur offers a very good placement for IT students.

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What is the minimum rank required to get admission in SRM?

With reference to your query, I would glad inform you that for getting admission in cse seat ,you should have rank atleast below 10000 to get admission in SRM. If by any chance, you get ece seat then go for it because students of both the streams get equal opportunities .

What is the expected cut off for SRM Chennai 2021?

SRMJEEE 2021 cut off for SRM Chennai Campus (Expected) Name of the Course Closing Rank (Expected) Aerospace Engineering 51500 – 52500 Automobile Engineering 54000 – 55000 Biomedical Engineering 53, 500 – 54,500 Biotechnology Engineering 47700 – 48000

What are the marks required to get admission in srmjeee?

There are no fixed marks but during SRMJEEE counselling, the authorities shall announce the range of marks within which admissions shall be allowed for candidates. Question: Will there be common cutoff for SRMJEEE 2021?

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How to prepare for srmjeee pgexam?

Every candidate taking the SRMJEEE PGexam must plan ahead in order to achieve a good mark. Candidates who want to do well in the exam and make the cutoff list should be aware of the various levels of exam preparation. To prepare a better approach, all applicants must be aware of the SRMJEEE PG test pattern.