
How hard is it to have a bearded dragon as a pet?

How hard is it to have a bearded dragon as a pet?

If you are interested in getting a reptile as a pet, bearded dragons are hard to beat. These charismatic lizards from Down Under are friendly and relatively easy to care for. They grow up to two feet in length and can live up to 15 years.

Is a bearded dragon a good pet to have?

Bearded dragons make excellent pets for kids. They are generally docile and gentle creatures. Kids will be able to learn how to handle them and develop a strong bond over time. Caring for them is easy, but they need regular meals, attention, and maintenance.

What are the cons of having a bearded dragon as a pet?

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Price: They are expensive to maintain. bearded dragons by themselves are not very expensive (cost around 25-50 USD) but the cost of maintaining one is pretty high. They need special attention and care. When it comes to their diet and creating controlled lighting environments, it does get a tad expensive.

Is it bad to own a bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons and other reptiles can carry salmonella bacteria on their skin, and the bacteria can even be found in the animals’ enclosures—salmonella can be transmitted just from holding them, cleaning their enclosures in a sink, allowing them to walk around on floors or surfaces, or allowing children to touch them …

Are bearded dragons for beginners?

Bearded dragons are very good beginner pets, but that means they’re extremely popular and common among reptile owners. And although there are some fascinating varieties of bearded dragon morphs out there, they’re still somewhat basic of a pet choice— which means you’ll miss out on a large part of herpetoculture.

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Do Beardies like baths?

One of the most fun and exciting activities you can do with your bearded dragon is giving it a bath. Most bearded dragons love a nice, warm bath every so often. Giving your bearded dragon consistent baths is also very important for proper hygiene.

How often should I mist my bearded dragon?

You can mist him/her 2-4 times daily. Monitor the humidity in the tank though, as high humidity can promote bacterial or fungal growth.

What types of bearded dragon are kept as pets?

Pogona Vitticeps Pogona vitticeps is the one generally known as the Bearded Dragon,being the most popular species among reptile owners.

  • Pogona Henrylawsoni Pogona Henrylawsoni was first described in 1985,so there are still many controversies about what these lizards should be called.
  • Pogona Vittikins
  • Are bearded dragons a good pet for my first reptile?

    Bearded dragons make a wonderful pet for first time reptile owners who are willing to put in the time and energy into researching their strict diet and habitat needs. By most definitions, YES! Bearded dragons are very docile and easy-going lizards that actually do quite well under human care and handling (opens in new tab).

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    Are bearded dragons considered exotic pets?

    The bearded dragon, although ragingly popular among pet owners in the U.S., is still considered an exotic pet. The most common species of bearded dragon you will find in the pet industry is the Inland Bearded Dragon or better known as the Yellow-Bearded Dragon.

    Do bearded dragons need a vet?

    There are 4 times a bearded dragon should see a vet. New bearded dragons should be seen within the first week of ownership. Yearly exams are needed to check for parasites and general health. A parasite check is also needed prior to brumation. And always check with a vet if you suspect any health issues.