
What to do if you think someone is in your house but your not sure?

What to do if you think someone is in your house but your not sure?

What To Do When an Intruder Is in Your Home

  1. Quickly verify their presence. Time is of the essence, so be quick about checking.
  2. Stay calm.
  3. Determine if you can escape.
  4. Stay put if you can’t escape.
  5. Call the police.
  6. Keep quiet and follow instructions.
  7. Take notes immediately afterward.

How do you set a trap to know if someone has been in your room?

If you want to make sure: set up a ‘trap’. You can try something simple like putting a down feather on top of your closed door. If its still on top when you open the door, nobody has entered. Or maybe put a little strip of clear tape at the bottom of your door.

What time of day do most robberies occur?

between 10 am and 3 pm
The most common times for break-ins occur between 10 am and 3 pm. Rather than being guarded by night, most burglars choose the daytime to attempt a break-in, targeting homes when they believe no one will be present.

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Do burglars go to houses with alarms?

Studies show that a home with a monitored alarm system is actually one third less likely to be burglarized than the unprotected home next door. This is not an inexpensive investment, but installing a security camera near your front and back door will definitely keep a burglar away.

What should you do if an intruder comes into your house?

Keep your distance from the intruder. If the intruder makes it in to your room and you’re already up, try to stay as far away as possible. Be on the lookout for ways to escape, and do your best to remain calm and cooperative. You should avoid confrontation and violent reactions if at all possible.

What should I do if I’m home during a home invasion?

Especially if the suspect isn’t caught by the police, you should ask them to thoroughly check your house and property. Consider staying with a friend or neighbor for the rest of the evening. Even if the police have assured you that your house is safe, you may feel more comfortable spending the night elsewhere.

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What to do if you can’t get out of the House?

If you’re not able to get out of the house, having a designated safe room (or even closet) can be a good idea. If at all possible, try to make your way to this safe room if you hear an intruder in your home.

How do you fight off an intruder with your hand?

Hold your dominant hand open and flat, with your fingers straight and close together, and your thumb out. Then forcefully jab your hand into the intruder’s neck. You may also be able to incapacitate the intruder by making a forceful upward thrust with the heel of your palm into his nose.