Tips and tricks

How many people knew that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker?

How many people knew that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker?

Because, with all due respect to Sebastian Shaw, the original Shaw Anakin ghost doesn’t make sense in the new canon. There are only two ways to approach the Anakin force ghost that make any sense. The first option would be to have his force ghost look like how he actually did when he died, which would be this.

Did Moff know Darth Vader was Anakin?

A passage in the Canon novel, Tarkin, reveals the Grand Moff suspected Darth Vader was Anakin through the way he interacted with the Stormtroopers he commanded and how he wielded his lightsaber. He used the power of observation to get the answer he required. He saw the similarities between both Vader and Anakin.

How did ahsoka know Vader was Anakin?

Ahsoka became aware of Darth Vader’s presence in the Star Wars Rebels Season Two premiere “The Siege of Lothal.” She seemed to have suspicions about who the Sith Lord actually was, but she didn’t uncover the truth until “Shroud of Darkness.” She had a vision while visiting the Jedi Temple on Lothal and realized Anakin …

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Why does Vader respect Tarkin?

Tarkin was the authority on the Death Star and because there was some mutual respect between him and Vader, enough that when he tells Vader not to kill somebody over a petty slight, Vader listens.

Did the emperor know Anakin Skywalker was really Darth Vader?

The Emperor knew the truth, that Anakin Skywalker was really Darth Vader, and he seems to have been the one who decided it should remain a closely guarded secret.

Is Luke Skywalker Anakin Skywalker’s father?

In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader revealed the shocking truth to Luke; that he was really Anakin Skywalker, Luke’s father. It wasn’t until Return of the Jedi that Luke told Leia, but interestingly her focus appears to have been more on the fact Luke was her brother than Darth Vader was her father.

What was Darth Vader’s true identity in Star Wars?

According to James Luceno’s novel Tarkin, there were countless rumors about Darth Vader’s true identity. Some believed he was a counterpart to the Confederacy’s General Grievous, held in reserve by Palpatine in case the Jedi betrayed him; others considered him to be an artificial monster created in a laboratory.

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Why didn’t Tarkin recognize Vader?

While Vader’s face and voice made it nearly impossible to recognize his identity, Tarkin felt like Vader already had a familiarity with him, meaning he may have been someone Tarkin was already well acquainted with.