
Will feral cats come back to their kittens?

Will feral cats come back to their kittens?

Especially if she’s feral, Mama Cat will most likely NOT return until she no longer senses human presence. During typical kitten season in the spring and summer months, waiting a longer time to see if Mama Cat will come back is usually very safe.

How long will a feral cat leave her kittens?

Instead, they are wild animals that need to live on defense, so they can survive, but why do they leave their kittens? Feral cats leave their kittens at about five weeks old with the weaning process, though they don’t leave them outright. The mother restricts nursing, encouraging them to go out on their own and hunt.

Why do feral cats suddenly disappear?

Cats are territorial. The disappearance could mean that the cat is injured, trapped, or deceased within its territory. Or perhaps the cat was transported out of the area—either intentionally (by an irate neighbor who trapped the cat) or unintentionally (by the cat climbing into an opened parked van).

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Where do feral cats hide their babies?

A frightened cat could hide their kittens in the bushes, in the sheds, under the decks. Try to look up too, because cats prefer high places, and they may be hidden in the roots of a tree or on the roof of a store or shed. It’s a smart idea to search a peaceful time of the day. You should search with a torch after dark.

Can a mother cat find her lost kittens?

They most certainly do. If you have ever heard what is called “chattering” by cats, you will be able to tell that she is calling for her missing kittens. A queen knows each and every kitten she has, and with her sense of smell, can tell where it is and what health it is in.

Do cats get sad when their kittens leave?

While it may feel like a mother cat will be upset that her kittens will be taken away, cats don’t think the same way people do. In fact, it’s not uncommon for the mother cat to become uncomfortable with the presence of her kittens after they are weaned and growl at them if they remain for too long.

Do feral cats disappear and come back?

For most owners they will find that their cat comes back every night and does this quite happily all it’s life without ever going missing or disappearing for more than a few hours. However it is unfortunately not true that cats will always come back home.

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What if my cat gives birth outside?

If you cannot trap her, or if she seems about to give birth outside, provide a warm, outdoor cat shelter so she can choose to have her kittens in it. It is best to leave her alone and not bother her while she has her kittens. Any additional stress may cause harm during the pregnancy.

Can feral kittens survive on their own?

Yes. Community cats, also called outdoor, stray or feral cats, are well-suited to living outdoors—usually in close proximity to humans—and can survive winter on their own. They are resilient and able to live and thrive in all varieties of locations, weather conditions, and climates.

Where would a cat have kittens outside?

In general, cats will look for places that are quiet, low on traffic from humans or animals, and difficult for other animals besides the mother cat to reach. Examples of locations where mother cats hide their kittens are: Under porches. Under homes if the cat has access to the crawl space.

Can pregnant feral cats take care of themselves and their babies?

A pregnant feral cat is perfectly capable of taking care of itself and its babies. Why make this distinction? Because it is generally a bad idea to try to care for a pregnant feral cat.

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Do you feed feral cats in your back yard?

I feed a colony of feral cats in my back yard. One of them is a pretty young cat that had kittens yesterday or today in some tree limbs/branches that were recently cut down. There seems to be 4 or 5 kittens. The mommy, whom I call sweet-pea, is very friendly and loveable. She runs into my house every time I open the sliding back door to feed them.

Can you find a pregnant stray cat wandering around the yard?

Finding a stray cat wandering around the yard is one thing; finding a stray that is also pregnant presents an entirely different set of concerns. She is going to have those kittens one way or the other, so the only question is whether you are going to participate or not.

What happens if a stray cat is not neutered?

Unaltered cats and sadly most strays and feral cats are not neutered will stay near the food source and begin to fight and mate. If you don’t spay and neuter the cats on your property, soon they will be breeding, fighting for territorial rights.