Is it wrong to ask your girl to lose weight?

Is it wrong to ask your girl to lose weight?

Help Your Partner Live Healthier. Having the desire for your partner to make changes to their lifestyle and even lose weight is, however, completely legitimate when the desire is based on a concern for their health and well-being.

Is it okay for your boyfriend to ask you to lose weight?

Telling you to lose weight doesn’t have to be an automatic deal breaker, but it can certainly be a red flag, depending on the intent. For example, if you’re actually experiencing health complications due to your weight, your partner could just be looking out for your well-being.

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Is it okay to ask your partner to lose weight for You?

That’s the question a guy anonymously asked the world via a recent Humans of New York feature. The world was quick to inform him that no, it’s not okay to ask your significant other to lose weight for you, especially when it’s simply for the sake of losing weight. “At first I told myself I could get past it.

Why has my partner put on weight?

Barring a health issue, like a thyroid problem, an increase in size is often a side effect of emotional eating. So if your partner has put on weight, they may be turning to food to cope with something else that’s going on. Rather than bringing up the weight, just ask, “Are you OK?”

Should I become a food cop to help my partner lose weight?

I’ve witnessed many couples engage in this kind of exchange, and it’s never pretty. It’s also not at all helpful. Becoming a food cop typically won’t help your partner lose weight, and it may even trigger them to eat more.

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Is it okay to want a loved one to lose weight?

But the issue of wanting a loved one to lose weight can go beyond just aesthetic reasons. Obesity has been linked to a number of different health issues, and as Hokemeyer points out, there is a big difference between wanting someone to live a healthier life and wanting someone to lose weight for appearance’s sake.