Which entrance exam should I give for engineering?

Which entrance exam should I give for engineering?

JEE Main: This is one of the most popular engineering entrance exam in India.

  • JEE Advanced: The second stage of the JEE system, JEE Advanced is conducted once a year by the seven zonal IITs with guidance from the Joint Admission Board (JAB).
  • What is the pass mark for engineering?

    Engineering students under VTU have to get 50 out of 125 marks in a subject to pass. “The internal tests by the college are for 25 marks and the external exam has 100 marks. Students try to score at least 15 marks in the internals and 35 in the external exam.

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    Is PCM compulsory for engineering?

    The AICTE has recently announced that studying PCM in class XII is no longer a mandatory prerequisite to pursue BE and B. Tech courses. They do not need to compulsorily study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in order to be eligible to pursue undergraduate engineering courses including BE and B. Tech.

    Is CET necessary for engineering?

    As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, it is not mandatory to appear in the KCET exam to be eligible for admission into Karnataka engineering colleges.

    Do private engineering colleges provide admission in engineering on basis of 12th Marks?

    Most of The provide admission in engineering on basis of 12th Marks. Though many of Them Take their Own entrance Exam also. But a lot of private Btech colleges take admission without entrance Exams. Almost all private engineering colleges in India. Provide admission on Three of these bases.

    Which is the best engineering college in Maharashtra with 12th Marks?

    Top colleges of Maharashtra for Direct Admission in Engineering college on the basis of 12th marks without Entrance New Horizon engineering college. Reva Institute of technology & management. Guidance for Admission in Engineering colleges on basis of 12th Marks.

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    What is the percentage required to get admission in engineering colleges?

    For Engineering admissions ,The minimum eligibility to pass class 12th is with 45\% of marks , so if you score 60\% you are eligible to apply for Enginnering entrance exams. Now the second part of your query: Mostly the colleges choose IIT-JEE score or state engineering entrance exam or many conduct their own entrance exams for Engg. admissions.

    Can I get admission in BTech without JEE Main score?

    Applications for most of the engineering entrance exams have been released and it is time to pick B.Tech colleges in India. Many B.Tech and other top engineering colleges offer admission without JEE Main scores.