
What does it feel like to have ADHD?

What does it feel like to have ADHD?

Nancy Ratey. Author of The Disorganized Mind. “ADHD feels like your brain is an unruly child, flitting about when the grown-ups would prefer a child who could sit still, be quiet, and concentrate. ADHD feels like ten thousand things are yammering for attention and all of them are equally important.

Can ADHD affect your sex drive?

On the flip side, some people with ADHD have such a high sex drive and need for stimulation and novelty, such as pornography, that it causes problems in a partnership. People with ADHD may also be prone to sexual risk-taking such as unprotected sex or having multiple sex partners.

What does adadhd feel like to you?

ADHD feels like…I have to constantly “dumb myself down” as a way of accommodating “normies” who don’t share my set of neurobiological advantages. Three-fourths of my day, my time and energy are spent doing this.

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Why do people with ADHD have trouble paying attention?

People do not understand that it is connected to the way the ADHD brain is wired and that it is not due to laziness or being forgetful. People with ADHD can find it almost impossible to pay attention and stay on topic in conversations and meetings. It is no wonder they are sidelined.

People with ADHD may feel like they would like to be able to turn off their brains for a few minutes or like they want to stop and rest, but just can’t. ADHD will be somewhat different for each person who has it. However, there are some symptoms that are commonly experienced.

What happens to the ADHD brain when there is no traffic light?

Imagine hundreds of cars approaching an intersection that has no traffic light or stop sign. This is what happens to the ADHD brain every day where the prefrontal cortex (the intersection) is unable to properly regulate your various thoughts and feelings (the various cars approaching the intersection).

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What happens when a person with ADHD is not in the zone?

When people with ADHD are not in The Zone, in hyperfocus, they have four or five things rattling around in their minds, all at once and for no obvious reason, like five people talking to you simultaneously. Nothing gets sustained, undivided attention. Nothing gets done well. Many people with ADHD can’t screen out sensory input.

Why do people with ADHD express emotions more intensely?

That is what is dominating the person’s focus at that moment. In the ADHD brain, whichever emotion is in focus at the moment becomes the faster car. This is why those with ADHD express emotions more intensely than may be justified for a given situation. In females with ADHD, this emotionality is often misdiagnosed as a mood disorder.