
Why is Facebook not accepting my Visa debit card?

Why is Facebook not accepting my Visa debit card?

on Facebook ads. For charging this amount, Facebook will automatically deduct the money from the debit card and credit card you have added as a payment method. The problem is most of the banks in India does not allow automatic payments for security reasons. So to solve this issue, Facebook came up with manual payments.

Why is my card being declined on FB pay?

Most payment failures happen when your bank or payment provider experiences an issue processing your payment. Try changing another payment method you have set up on your ad account. If all of your payment methods fail, Facebook will stop all of the ads that you are running until your balance has been paid.

Why does my debit card keep getting declined when I have money in my account?

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Even if you have money in your account, your debit card can be declined for a number of reasons. The bank could have blocked the card for fraud prevention, the store may not accept your card type, the card could be damaged or have expired or you may have entered the wrong PIN.

Does Facebook accept debit cards?

Only debit cards and PayPal accounts are accepted for sending and receiving money through Facebook messages. Facebook for iOS: Tap then tap Settings, and then tap Payments.

Why can’t I add payment method on Facebook?

You have to be an admin of the ad account to add payment methods. Check that the payment method you’re trying to add is an accepted payment option for Facebook ads. If your ad account is set up for manual payments, you won’t be able to add a payment method using these steps.

What happens when a Facebook payment is declined?

If you can’t pay for your ad due to a declined payment from your bank account, you may need to update your payment information. When an online banking payment is declined, we stop the campaigns on your account until you’ve paid the amount you owe.

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Why I Cannot add payment method on Facebook?

What payment methods does Facebook accept?

You can pay for Facebook and Instagram ads with one of the following accepted payment methods:

  • Credit or debit cards (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, JCB)
  • PayPal.
  • Bank account (direct debit) in supported countries.
  • Local manual payment methods in supported countries and currencies.

How do I enable payment on Facebook?

To add your bank account as a payment method:

  1. From a computer, go to your Payment Settings in Ads Manager (
  2. Click Add Payment Method.
  3. Choose Online Banking and follow the instructions for verifying your account.

Why can’t I pay for Facebook ads with a debit card?

In case your payment declining authorizes the bank to allow an automatic deduction for FB ads. Check if you have Set your account spending limit under “Payment Settings” in Billing. if your spending is higher side then use Debit card, which will help in Ads payment.

Why is Facebook Paytm not available in India?

Facebook doesn’t have registered office in India, so apparently doesn’t accept local payment methods. It accepts credit card and international debit cards. Facebook had come up with PayTM which is only available who haven’t set up a payment method before/ never used business manager and billing country as India.

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How can I make a payment on my Facebook page?

Adding a new debit or credit card, you will definitely be able to make a payment. It never fails, if its not giving you the results you want then it means that it is your failure as Facebook or any other social media generates leads however if you are not responding them in time and says it is not working for me then it is your failure.

Why is my customer being declined for payment?

Sometimes, the reason may be as simple as there not being sufficient balance in the customer’s account. If the transaction they are undertaking is beyond the limit of their debit or credit card, then the payment will be declined. Another reason may be that their chosen payment method may not be on the list of approved methods.