Who was the first to preach about the resurrection of Jesus?

Who was the first to preach about the resurrection of Jesus?

In 1 Cor. 15:20, Paul tells us Jesus was the first to be raised with a resurrection body. Three verses later, he tells us believers will receive their resurrection body at Jesus’ second coming. Paul provides us with a short trailer for that event in 1 Thess.

When did disciples first preach after Christ?

According to Acts 1:2-9, the risen Jesus trained his apostles for 40 days during a series of post-resurrection appearances and then ascended into heaven. Less than two weeks later, they began their first public preaching in connection with the feast of Pentecost, seven weeks after Passover and Easter Sunday (Acts 2).

Where is resurrection first mentioned in the Bible?

The first such case mentioned in the Bible is that of Enoch (son of Jared, great-grandfather of Noah, and father of Methuselah). Enoch is said to have lived a life where he “walked with God”, after which “he was not, for God took him” (Genesis 5:1–18). In Deuteronomy (34:6) Moses is secretly buried.

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What was the first preaching of Jesus?

The first detailed account in Luke of Jesus conducting any great deed in public was in the latter half of chapter 4 when he was giving his sermon in the Synagogue on the Sabbath at his hometown of Nazareth.

Who did Jesus reveal himself to first?

Matthew has two post-resurrection appearances, the first to Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” at the tomb, and the second, based on Mark 16:7, to all the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus claims authority over heaven and Earth and commissions the disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world.

Who preached the first sermon in the Bible?

the apostle Peter
Today, my friends, we are looking at the apostle Peter on Pentecost Day, for it was Peter who offered the first sermon to the new church. Remember Peter? The apostle who walked on water with Jesus, then, doubting, started to sink? Jesus took his hand and raised him up again and into the boat (Matthew 14:28-32).

What was the first act performed by the disciples?

He begins his gospel with a preface addressed to Theophilus (Luke 1:3; cf. Acts 1:1), informing him of his intention to provide an “ordered account” of events which will lead his reader to “certainty”.

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Where did the apostles go after Jesus ascended?

Apostles Spread Christianity After the Death of Jesus The Apostles spread Christianity from Jerusalem to Damascus, to Antioch, to Asia Minor, to Greece, and finally to Rome.

Who was the first person to rise from the dead in the Bible?

The tomb was empty. Angels said Jesus raised from the dead. He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, then to his apostles, then to many others around the city.

What is the morning of the first resurrection?

One of the blessings pronounced upon those who are sealed in the temple for time and all eternity is the power to come forth “in the morning of the first resurrection.” Elder McConkie explained: “Those being resurrected with celestial bodies, whose destiny is to inherit a celestial kingdom, will come forth in the …

What was said in the Sermon on the Mount?

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes a prediction that to this day few people have understood. He says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5, New Revised Standard Version). In modern versions of the Bible, “meek” is translated as humble.

What was the most shocking news the disciples had ever heard?

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Two of Jesus’ disciples walk together down a seven-mile stretch of road, having a conversation. It was about the resurrection of Jesus, obviously the most shocking news they had ever heard. A stranger began to walk with them (Jesus incognito), and they were astounded to learn this man had apparently not heard about the resurrection.

Did Christ resurrect?

Christ’s disciples — eyewitnesses who had NOTHING to gain from their commitment to sharing the Good News — declared that Christ resurrected. That should count for a lot. In our next blog post, we’ll look at the hope we have for the afterlife. Keep journeying with us!

How did Jesus’ resurrection change the lives of his disciples?

Jesus’ resurrection changes our witness (Luke 24:45-49). As Jesus revealed His true identity to His disciples, He taught them a very important truth. His gospel presentation explains how their lives will change because of that truth. “Repentance and forgiveness should be proclaimed in His name to all nations, beginning with Jerusalem” (24:47).

How does the resurrection change our practical living?

Jesus is the risen King who is victorious over death, recognized by His disciples, validated by Scripture, and enthroned over all creation. That truth changes our faith, theology, and life. The resurrection also changes our practical living. The resurrection isn’t just a doctrine to believe, but a truth should change our behavior.