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What is it called when someone tries to convert you to Christianity?

What is it called when someone tries to convert you to Christianity?

Proselytism (/ˈprɒsəlɪtɪzəm/) is the act or fact of religious conversion.

What causes religious conversion?

People convert to a different religion for various reasons, including active conversion by free choice due to a change in beliefs, secondary conversion, deathbed conversion, conversion for convenience, marital conversion, and forced conversion.

When did people convert to Christianity?

In 380, Theodosius I makes Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire and, between 389 and 391, the “Theodosian decrees” banned pagan sacrifices and closed pagan temples. Roman aristocrats have virtually all converted to Christianity in the mid-5th century.

What is Christian conversion?

Let’s begin with a definition. Christian conversion is the act or process of being changed (without coercion but through our own volition) into a person who believes and treasures Jesus Christ, his saving work, and his promises above everything else, including all that we were believing or treasuring before conversion.

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How many conversions does it take to grow a church?

If you chart the necessary rate of growth along an exponential curve, the Christian movement needed to increase at a rate of around 3 percent annually. That is to say, if there are 100 Christians this year, there need to be only three conversions by the year’s end. If that happens year after year after year, the numbers eventually pile up.

Why did Christianity succeed in large measure?

Christianity succeeded in large measure because it required potential converts to make a decision that was exclusive and final. If they chose to join the church, they had to abandon all previous religious commitments and associations. For the Christian faith, it was all or nothing, so as it fed its own growth, it devoured the competition.

What does the Bible say about our role in the conversion?

Consider five other ways that the Bible talks about our role in the conversion of others. 1. Christian conversion involves spiritually blind people being able to see the glory of Christ. Though God opens the eyes of the spiritually blind ( 2 Corinthians 4:6 ), Jesus sends Paul to open their eyes.