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Was Arthur Dayne the best swordsman ever?

Was Arthur Dayne the best swordsman ever?

Personality. Father said he was the best swordsman he ever saw. Bran Stark cites his father’s respect for Ser Arthur Dayne. Ser Arthur Dayne was a legendary knight and one of the finest men to have joined the Kingsguard, probably rivaled only by Ser Barristan Selmy.

How good of a swordsman was Arthur Dayne?

Dayne was probably the most skilled swordsman of his time. The only one that could have stood a chance was Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Gerold Hightower”the White Bull”. However, What we are forgetting is that Dayne wielded “Dawn” – a sword forged from the heart of a star. As such, Dayne had a great advantage in battle.

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Years later, Eddard Stark would comment that Ser Arthur Dayne was the best warrior Ned had ever encountered. Even when they outnumbered him, Ned and his companions were extremely wary about how to approach him, showing that Arthur’s skill and reputation frightened them.

Was Ser Arthur Dayne the greatest knight ever?

Ser Arthur Dayne was a knight of House Dayne who bore the title of ” Sword of the Morning ” as he possessed the ancestral sword of House Dayne, Dawn. He was the only Dornish member along with Lewyn Martell of the Kingsguard under King Aerys II Targaryen. He is regarded by many, among them his presumed killer, as the greatest knight who ever lived.

Was Ser Arthur Dayne the son of Beric Dayne?

While flipping through The Book of Brothers, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Brienne of Tarth comes across a section on Ser Arthur Dayne. In it, he is erroneously shown as the third son born to Lord Symon of House Gaunt. However, it later corrects itself to say he was the son of Beric Dayne.

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Who is Ser Arthur Dayne in Game of Thrones?

Ser Arthur Dayne was a knight of House Dayne who bore the title of ” Sword of the Morning ” as he possessed the ancestral sword of House Dayne, Dawn. He was the only Dornish member along with Lewyn Martell of the Kingsguard under King Aerys II Targaryen.