
Why do a lot of girls play bass?

Why do a lot of girls play bass?

The entrance of women into rock bands via the bass may provide them with new opportunities and help legitimate their presence in a male-dominated site of artistic production, yet it may simultaneously work to reconstruct a gendered division of labor and reproduce dominant gender ideologies.

What percentage of bass players are female?

Among Double Bass Players, 14.9\% of them are women compared to 84.3\% which are men….Double Bass Player Statistics By Gender.

Gender Percentages
Male 84.3\%
Female 14.9\%
Unknown 0.8\%

Do all bands need a bassist?

Most bands just use bass to have the bottom end, but you definetly don’t need one, especially with the keyboard player. No real disadvantage. Bass players can only help, they can’t really hurt. Even if they just follow the rhythm.

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Are bassists quiet?

Bass players are often quiet and humble persons who don’t seeking praise and glamour. But while some bassists do feel they get less attention and recognition compared to other musicians in the band, others don’t feel that way and are happy with the way the public and their band mates treat them.

Why You Should Date a bass player?

Bass players have the patience and the solitude, where they have subdued the feeling of wanting more. You won’t be disappointed when dating a bass player because they are comfortable with what they have.

Why do girls like bassists?

Girls love the bass, it’s the front and center of every band after all. Flea’s basslines evoke a flood of arousal with each twangy note stemming from his godly slapping skills. Playing the bassline for “Lounge Act” will get you more than just a job in the band. Girls line up in droves to hear your top notch fingering.

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Why bass is underrated?

Without the bass guitar, songs in every genre sound weak and empty, detuned guitars or not. It adds depth to guitar riffs and helps the drummer establish the rhythm of the song. There is a reason there are so few bands without bassists: It is important to the overall sound of the band.

Who is the best female bassist in the world?

Best Female Bassists: An Essential Top 25 Countdown 25: Joan Armatrading 24: Kendra Smith (The Dream Syndicate, Opal) 23: Suzi Quatro 22: Melissa Auf Der Maur (Smashing Pumpkins, Hole) 21: Sean Yseult (White Zombie) 20: Aimee Mann (’Til Tuesday) 19: Johnette Napolitano (Concrete Blonde) 18: Kim Deal (Pixies, The Breeders)

Is Johnette Napolitano the world’s best female bassist?

Frontwomen who play bass seem to have a love/hate relationship with the instrument; like Juliana Hatfield and Aimee Mann, Johnette Napolitano has switched to guitar on a few albums and tours, but her status as one of the world’s best female bassists is assured.

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Who are the best punk bassists of all time?

One of the first great punk-funk bassists, Sara Lee was the unheralded star of Robert Fripp’s short-lived dance band The League Of Gentlemen, where her basslines were mostly what you danced to. She then replaced Dave Allen in Gang Of Four, a band that lived or died by their fearsome rhythm section, and added the necessary bottom to The B-52s.

Who are the best female bassists to play in Happy Days?

It’s also fair to say that Quatro is the only entrant in this list of the best female bassists to have a recurring role on Happy Days .