
Where does a bullet go when you fire it in the air?

Where does a bullet go when you fire it in the air?

Bullets fired into the air usually fall back with terminal velocities much lower than their muzzle velocity when they leave the barrel of a firearm. Nevertheless, people can be injured, sometimes fatally, when bullets discharged into the air fall back down to the ground.

Can bullets travel space?

No. There is not sufficient muzzle velocity for a bullet fired from any civilian or military firearm to reach space (escape velocity). This is an extremely dangerous practice and you are risking harm to other people.

Do bullets disintegrate in air?

When the bullet is going up, gravity is trying to pull it down, so the bullet slows down. Eventually it slows down enough that it’s not moving up any more. But when air restistance effects the bullet, it ALWAYS slows it down. This makes sense, as the air is basically just pulling against the bullet’s motion.

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How far in the air does a bullet go?

A bullet fired straight up, with no wind, might reach a height of 10,000 feet (about three kilometers), but will come back down at only around 150 miles per hour: just 10\% of the speed and with only 1\% of the energy as the originally fired bullet.

How far can a 9mm bullet travel?

“A 9mm bullet travels around 1500 ft/s. It will travel around 2500 yards before it falls.”

What has more kick .38 or 9mm?

Recoil. . 38mm Special offers low recoil when compared to the 9mm Luger. Bothe these cartridges have lesser recoil as compared to other cartridges like .

Would a gun work in outer space?

Fires can’t burn in the oxygen-free vacuum of space, but guns can shoot. Modern ammunition contains its own oxidizer, a chemical that will trigger the explosion of gunpowder, and thus the firing of a bullet, wherever you are in the universe. No atmospheric oxygen required.

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Is it possible to shoot a bullet in space?

Although the conditions would have to be accurate to an insanely high degree for this to happen, it is certainly not impossible. However, if the bullets and the gun are identical to “muzzle velocity”. The speed at which the bullet leaves the gun will be the same on the ground and in the space.

What happens when you shoot a bullet into the air?

If you fire a gun into the air, the bullet will travel up to a mile high (depending on the angle of the shot and the power of the gun). Once it reaches its apogee, the bullet will fall.

How far does a bullet travel before it falls down?

On Earth, due to the gravitational force, the bullet travels a few miles before falling to the ground. Earth gravitational force act on the bullet and pull it down to the ground, that’s why it need much more force to continue flying.

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Why do bullets slow down when fired horizontally?

When fired horizontally, bullets tend to slow down rapidly due to air drag, so that a rifle bullet may be down to half of its initial speed by the time it gets to 500 meters (1,640.42 feet), Walker says.