Tips and tricks

Why did vidura not fight in the war?

Why did vidura not fight in the war?

Both Pandavas and Kauravas were his relative so he decided not to take part in the war . He had a bow given by lord Vishnu that could have destroyed Pandavas army and he knew that if he took part in war he would definitely need to choose Kauravas side so he decided not to take part in war .

Why Bhishma was silent in Draupadi Cheer Haran?

He took this oath so that his father, Shantanu could marry a fisherwoman Satyavati —Satyavati’s father had refused to give his daughter’s hand to Shantanu on the grounds that his daughter’s children would never be rulers. That’s why bhishma took that oath..

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Why does Vidura feel compelled to side with Dharma and Pandavas?

Hearing Dhritarashtra not acknowledge that relationship, Vidura feels compelled to side with dharma and the Pandavas. According to Krishna, Vidura was considered as Dharmaraja, which means the lord of truth. Krishna respected Vidura for his devotion to people’s welfare, and his proficiency in every sphere of knowledge.

Why did Krishna stay in Vidura’s chambers instead of Duryodhana’s?

The reason Krishna stayed in Vidura’s chambers for the night instead of Duryodhana’s is due to the thoughts which were running through their heads and the difference between them. When Krishna had come to Hastinapura, Duryodhana had presented him with a gracious welcoming committee, with the palace was decorated extravagantly for his arrival.

What is the role of Vidura in the Mahabharata?

Vidura was Dhritarashtra and Pandu’s brother in the Mahabharata. He was famously known for his devotion to dharma (righteousness). Vidura was considered the most wise man in all of Bharatvarsha. Whatever happened, Vidura always took the side of righteousness.

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How did Vidura and Ambalika give birth to Pandu?

Ambalika later was persuaded to present herself to Vyasa, but turned pale and gave birth to Pandu, as recounted above. Barring Krishna, Vidura was most respected as an adviser by the Pandavas, whom he forewarned on various occasions of Duryodhana’s plots to exterminate them, such as Duryodhana’s plan to burn them alive in the house of wax.