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What does it mean to be a man of principles?

What does it mean to be a man of principles?

A person of principle means someone who faithfully follows their principle or set of principles rather than abandoning them when convenient. Such a person would live his or her life according to the moral guidelines set out in the Bible, especially for instance the Ten Commandments.

What does it mean to have high principles?

Adj. 1. high-principled – having high principles. principled – based on or manifesting objectively defined standards of rightness or morality; “principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency”; “a principled person” Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.

What do we call a man with principles?

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A stickler is a person who insists on behaving a certain way (usually adherent to a fixed principle or set of principles).

What does it mean when someone has principles?

A principle is a kind of rule, belief, or idea that guides you. A person who has principles is a good, decent person. On the other hand, if you say someone has no principles, that means they’re dishonest, corrupt, or evil.

What are the characteristics of a principled person?

The IBO defines a principled person as someone who “… acts with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities.

What does it mean to be a man with principles?

A “man with principles” is merely an individual who adhears to personally chosen convictions, but such convictions are not neccessarily compelling lifelong guiding worldview positions. Instead it suggest merely a position of acknowledgement to the existance of such profound truths, yet undefined.

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What is the meaning of high principles?

high principles/ideals. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishhigh principles/idealshigh principles/idealsGOOD/MORALideas about personal behaviour based on the belief that people should always behave in an honest and morally good way a man of high moral principles → highExamples from the Corpus.

What is an example of a high ideal?

ideas about personal behaviour based on the belief that people should always behave in an honest and morally good way a man of high moral principles → high Examples from the Corpus high principles/ideals • Henry Lunn, one of the major figures of the early days of organized travel, was also inspired by high ideals.

Would you turn down a raise for a principled person?

If you’re a principled person, you will turn down the raise on, well, principle. If you’re not a principled person, you will come up with an excuse as to why “it doesn’t count in this situation” so that you can reap the benefits from it.