
What was a major impact of ancient Greece on western civilization?

What was a major impact of ancient Greece on western civilization?

Greece review for Global History

A major impact of ancient Greece and Rome on western civilization was that Greek sculpture and Roman architecture were much admired and copied in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The ancient Athenians are credited with establishing governments that had democratic elements.

How has ancient Greece shaped western civilization?

The ancient Greeks made important discoveries in science. They developed democracy, a system in which people govern themselves rather than being ruled by a king. The Greeks also valued beauty and imagination.

How have ideas from Greece helped shape western civilization?

Greek arts are considered models of excellence to this day. How have ideas from Greece helped shape Western civilization? The people copied arts and architecture and were influenced by the Greek language and skills in trade.

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How did Greek and Roman civilization impact Western civilization?

By the 2nd century B.C. Romans conquered Greece and came to appreciate the Greek culture. This is the era when the Greek and Roman literature thrived. Ancient Rome con- tributed very much to the establishment of law, art, literature, war, technology, architec- ture, religion, and language in the western society.

Does ancient Greece fully qualify as a western civilization?

Greece is considered the birthplace of western civilization and tradition. It laid the groundwork of what would come later in the west and be speead via Rome.

What is the most important Greek contribution to Western civilization?

The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

What were the three most important ways that the Greeks and Romans influence western civilization Why?

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Both were very important factors in the development of Western culture. The Greeks contributed through art, architecture, government, philosophy, education, and science. The Romans contributed through language, engineering, law, and government.

What civilization had a larger influence on Western society the Greeks or the Romans?

While both Roman and Greek cultures greatly influenced Western Civilization, Greeks contributed more to the western world than the Romans.

What did ancient Greek astronomers discover?

Pythagoras was the first ancient astronomer to suggest that there was a harmony of the spheres, and that the movement of the planets, sun, moon and stars could be described by whole numbers and mathematical precision. His other discovery was that the morning and evening star are the same thing, the planet Venus.

What did the Greeks contribute to Western civilization?

Greek Contribution’s To Western Civilization. The ancient Greeks contributed much to Western civilization. Their achievements in art, philosophy, history, and science shaped the growth of Western civilization. Many of these cultural aspects began with Greece’s Golden Age.

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How did the Greek civilization influence Western civilization?

Ancient Greece has had the most influence on western civilization. Aspects of western civilization such as philosophy, Western values, and science were all influenced by ancient Greek. The roots of western civilization can be traced back to four thousand years ago, in ancient Greece. Philosophy opened a whole different way of thinking.

What are some Greek contributions?

– Major Greek contributions include astronomy, optics, and acoustics, along with major advances in mathematics. Science in ancient Greece was based on logical thinking and mathematics. The Greeks were very interested to know about the world, the heavens, and themselves. Greek geniuses were articulate thinkers.

Did ancient Greece impact Western civilization?

Without a doubt, Ancient Greece has had great influence on the formation and development of western culture and civilization. Athens, arguably the greatest city-state of Ancient Greece, brought forth democracy into the world.