
Which composers did Beethoven influence?

Which composers did Beethoven influence?

10 composers who were inspired by Beethoven

  • Robert Schumann (1810-56)
  • Richard Wagner (1813-83)
  • Ethel Smyth (1858-1944)
  • Michael Tippett (1905-98)
  • Thea Musgrave (b. 1928)
  • John Adams (b. 1947)

Who were the two patrons of Beethoven?

As Beethoven journeyed from Bonn to Vienna, he journeyed from obscurity to fame through the support of three of his patrons: Waldstein, van Swieten, and Lichnowsky.

Who are the patrons of music before 20th century?

Who were the great patrons of music – and which pieces would not have existed without them?

  • The Esterházy family.
  • Niccoló Paganini.
  • Mitrofan Belyayev.
  • Nadezhda von Meck.
  • Giulio Ricordi.
  • The government of Finland.
  • Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge.
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Who was Beethoven’s first musical mentor?

composer Joseph Haydn
Learn about Austrian composer Joseph Haydn, one of Beethoven’s first mentors.

Who is Mozart patron Amadeus?

He composed his first symphony in 1765 and three years later his first opera. Although his career had much promise many became disappointed with his work. Unlike Haydn, Mozart did not agree with the patronage system. After his patron, the Archbishop of Salzburg, dismissed him he became a musical freelancer.

Who were the patrons of Classical music?

So this week on Morning Glories, we will hear music that was made possible in part because of the financial backing of classical music’s generous patrons.

  • Monday. Baron Gottfried van Swieten.
  • Tuesday. The Esterhazy family.
  • Wednesday. Niccolo Paganini.
  • Thursday. Prince Leopold.
  • Friday. King Ludwig.

How good a pianist was Chopin?

His playing was nuanced, sensitive, and expressive Pianist and composer Ignaz Moscheles said that Chopin “required no powerful forte to produce the required contrasts”, which suggests that he could be very subtle in achieving the desired dynamic effects on the piano.

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What do you think about Beethoven’s personality?

Add to that the psychological suffering of an extremely talented musician that’s slowly going deaf, and you can somewhat understand his behaviour to other people. Beethoven was uncompromising, both as a musician and as a human being in his social life. He was blunt, rude, had a peculiar sense of humor and he argued a lot.

How did Beethoven live to be 56?

Quite frankly, it’s a miracle Beethoven even made it to 56. His whole life his guts had been terrible, giving him abdominal pain and gas problems almost constantly (he supposedly made fun of this condition in the final movement of the second symphony, but it was a tragedy). This pain must at times have been terrible.

Who are some of the greatest musicians of the 20th century?

Louis Armstrong and Blind Willie Johnson were the others. Of course, The Beatles have to be mentioned, too. There are many great musicians in the 20th century. If you look at the 1960s where there was an abundance of musicians round the world due to in many ways the social revolution that took place Bob Dylan would be one for consideration.

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What health problems did Beethoven suffer from?

Aside from his hearing problems, Beethoven’s body was in a bad shape. There are several thoroughly researched books focusing on the medical conditions Beethoven suffered. Quite frankly, it’s a miracle Beethoven even made it to 56.