Tips and tricks

How do I set up conversion tracking on Facebook?

How do I set up conversion tracking on Facebook?

How to setup Facebook conversion tracking – 6 simple steps

  1. Two Ways to Track Conversions for Facebook Ads.
  2. #1: Install the Facebook Pixel.
  3. #2: Choose Which Standard Event Actions to Track.
  4. #3: Install the Conversion Code on Your Website.
  5. #4: Confirm the Tracking Is Working.
  6. #5: Use Custom Conversions to Split Standard Events.

What is the difference between custom conversions and custom events?

Custom events are actions that fall outside those covered by standard events. You can create and use them when you want to track something “non-standard”. Custom conversions can also be used if you can’t add standard events to your website.

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How do you create a custom audience for custom conversions?

Create a Website Custom Audience

  1. Go to Audiences in Ads Manager.
  2. Click Create Audience and select Custom Audience.
  3. Click Website Traffic.
  4. Include people who meet any or all of the selecting criteria.
  5. Choose your Pixel from the dropdown.
  6. Choose the type of visitors.

What is the use of custom conversion in Facebook?

What Are Custom Conversions? Custom conversions allow us to track and optimize actions on specific web pages, while bypassing the additional step of adding anything to the Facebook pixel code.

How do I create a custom conversion pixel on Facebook?

Before you begin

  1. Go to Events Manager and select the account that you want to use.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Select Create custom conversion.
  4. Add a Name for your conversion, and if you’d like, you can also add a Description.
  5. Select the right data source from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select a conversion event from the drop-down menu.

How do I activate custom conversions?

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Use custom conversions to optimize for URL traffic

  1. Go to Events Manager.
  2. Click Custom Conversions in the left menu.
  3. Click Create Custom Conversion.
  4. Enter a name for your custom conversion.
  5. Optional: Add a description.
  6. Select your data source.
  7. Select All URL Traffic as your Conversion Event.

How do I create a custom conversion on Facebook?

Which is better conversion API or Facebook pixel?

Here’s how Facebook itself lays out the difference between Facebook pixel and the conversions API: “The pixel lets you share web events from a web browser, while the conversions API lets you share web events directly from your server.”

Why can’t I track custom conversions for my Facebook events?

Without mapping those events to custom conversions, you will not be able to track and optimize for them. First, let’s select our custom event. Since you aren’t basing this custom conversion on a standard event, Facebook needs to better understand what the event is.

Do you need custom conversions for Facebook ads?

You have the Facebook pixel. You may even be using pixel events with parameters. But if you aren’t using custom conversions Custom conversions let you create rules for events or URLs so that you can better track and optimize for specific actions with Facebook ads.

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How do I set up custom conversion tracking for my website?

Next, click on Events Manager –> Custom Conversions. Then the blue Create Custom Conversion button in the middle of the page. Now you are ready to set the rules for your custom conversion tracking. If you previously set up specific conversion events, you’ll find them listed in the drop down arrow on the right, under All URL Traffic.

How do I set up conversion tracking for my Facebook ads?

Many people find it easier to set up custom conversion tracking for their Facebook ads because they don’t need to add additional code to a specific website page, and can instead set up that desired conversion tracking by creating a custom conversion with the link of the website page you want tracked.