
What does it mean when someone says kill them with kindness?

What does it mean when someone says kill them with kindness?

Definition of kill (someone) with kindness : to cause discomfort to someone by treating him or her in a way that is extremely kind or helpful Instead of returning the insult, you might try killing her with kindness.

Why you should kill them with kindness?

By making the choice to kill them with kindness, you force the jerks of the world to confront their own behavior as you model a saner and more spiritually grounded way of being. In the gospels, Jesus’ advice to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” essentially says the same thing.

Where does kill with kindness come from?

kill (one) with kindness The phrase originated as the expression “kill with kindness as fond apes do their young,” referring to the notion that such animals sometimes crushed their offspring by hugging them too hard.

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Are You Killing with kindness or cruelty?

Instead, you’re killing the cruelty that’s inside of them. If you can stay levelheaded and polite in an argument without raising your voice, the other person can see how you’re not going to rise to their anger and respond in kind. These three examples are situations were people are killing with kindness.

How do you use kill with kindness in a sentence?

How to Use “Kill Them with Kindness” in a Conversation. You can tell a person to kill someone with kindness when you see that they have encountered a rude or cruel person. Instead of advising them do something cruel in retaliation, you advise them to be the bigger person and choose kindness and politeness.

Is kindness a weakness?

In conflict terms, you behave in a way that doesn’t so much placate the other person but it makes conflict appear totally pointless because your reaction is actually benefitting them. Kindness is not a weakness. You are not allowing your boundaries to be trampled on in order to avoid conflict.

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Can kindness change the way we approach conflict?

If you approach conflict with kindness, the receiver could feel empowered for the first time because they feel listened to. They could realise that not everybody is out to get them. They could see that kindness is an alternative to violence and aggression and that can change lives.