
What is the difference between countertransference and projective identification?

What is the difference between countertransference and projective identification?

Countertransference is when a helper projects their personal issues onto their clients same exact mechanism. Projective identification is a primitive defense in which someone induces in another person the feelings they are struggling with. They dont feel them anymore but you do.

What is the difference between object relations theory and attachment theory?

Even though a considerable overlap between attachment and object relations constructs is expected on theoretical grounds, these might not be identical constructs, since attachment conceptualizations grasp the early basic patterns of interpersonal relationships and affect regulation, while object representations relate …

What is countertransference Freud?

The concept of countertransference, originally coined by Freud as the unresolved, reactivated transference dispositions of the analyst is currently defined as the total affective disposition of the analyst in response to the patient and his/her transference, shifting from moment to moment, and providing important data …

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What are the main differences between Melanie Klein’s and Freud’s theory?

Klein emphasized the maternal view and stressed the importance of intimacy and nurturing of the mother. According to Freud, sexual pleasure is the prime motive drive, where Klien thought human behaviour was driven primarily by human contact and relatedness. Phantasy not stages of development.

What is the difference between countertransference and transference?

Transference is subconsciously associating a person in the present with a past relationship. For example, you meet a new client who reminds you of a former lover. Countertransference is responding to them with all the thoughts and feelings attached to that past relationship.

What is the object in Object Relations Theory?

In object-relations theory, objects are usually persons, parts of persons (such as the mother’s breast), or symbols of one of these. The primary object is the mother. The child’s relation to an object (e.g. the mother’s breast) servers as the prototype for future interpersonal relationships.

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What is the main focus of Object Relations Theory?

Object relations theory is that branch of psychodynamic thought that focuses on relationships being more crucial to personality development than are individual drives and abilities (see Greenberg and Mitchell 1983).

What is transference countertransference?

What do you mean by countertransference?

Definition of countertransference 1 : psychological transference especially by a psychotherapist during the course of treatment especially : the psychotherapist’s reactions to the patient’s transference. 2 : the complex of feelings of a psychotherapist toward the patient.

What is the difference between transference and countertransference in social work?

Just as transference is the concept of a client redirect feelings meant for others onto the therapist, countertransference is the reaction to a client’s transference, in which the counselor projects his or her feelings unconsciously onto the client.

What is object relationship theory in psychology?

Object Relations. Object relations is a variation of psychoanalytic theory that diverges from Sigmund Freud’s belief that humans are motivated by sexual and aggressive drives, suggesting instead that humans are primarily motivated by the need for contact with others—the need to form relationships.

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Does countertransference exist in a therapeutic relationship?

In other words, as the result of the patient’s projective identification dynamics and the totality of the therapeutic relationship, countertransference will exist. The question is not what to do if countertransference is present in a treatment, but what form it takes and how to use it effectively.

What are the techniques of object relations therapy?

Object Relations Techniques Many of the techniques used in object relations therapy are similar to those employed in psychoanalytic and other psychodynamic therapies. The primary distinction lies in the therapist’s way of thinking about what is happening in the therapeutic exchange.

How intense is countertransference?

Countertransference can be quite intense in response to projective identification experiences. Pick3writes: To suggest that we are not affected by the destructiveness of the patient or by the patient’s painful efforts to reach us would represent not neutrality but falseness or imperviousness.