
How long will a block building last?

How long will a block building last?

How long do concrete block walls last? You can expect a concrete block (CMU) wall to last for the life of the home, 100+ years. See our blog post What are the pros and cons of concrete block versus wood frame construction? to learn more.

What is the life of concrete building?

Ideally, the average lifespan of any concrete structure is 75-100 years. But, it is considered that the average life of an apartment is 50-60 years while of a house it is 40 years.

How do you make a block house look good?

The simplest way to cover a cinder block wall is by using surface bonding cement to create a concrete finish. Concrete helps insulate the building and keep moisture out. It creates a smooth, finished surface you can leave as is or paint.

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Why is it hard to get a mortgage on a concrete house?

Concrete build mortgages can be more difficult to obtain. This is because concrete construction is classified as a ‘non-standard’ build type, and any property falling under this category may be considered higher risk, and therefore harder to insure and resell.

How long does a concrete building last?

Since all concrete buildings look the same to the untrained eye, it is very difficult to ascertain how long any one will last without needing serious structural repairs. While some buildings will last for more than 50-60 years without problems, some will start developing problems after few years of construction.

What is the life expectancy of a house with concrete foundation?

Life expectancy of a wood frame house with a concrete foundation can be well over a hundred years provided the home has proper maintenance and care.

Are concrete block homes better than wood block homes?

Concrete block homes are sturdy once inexpensive steel reinforcing rods and wet concrete are placed in the cores. Thus, these homes can remain in good condition for years. However, homes built of wood are less costly to construct, not only because wood is lightweight and plentiful, but also because builders can build such homes quickly.

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How long will my house last?

How long will a house last? Life expectancy of a wood frame house with a concrete foundation can be well over a hundred years provided the home has proper maintenance and care. Naturally homes that are built with quality materials and good workmanship will last longer than ones built poorly. One-half of U.S. homes built before 1980