
How many kilometers should an alternator last?

How many kilometers should an alternator last?

A new alternator typically has a life of about seven years, or between 150,000 and 250,000 kilometres. That said, a lot of this depends on the quality of the alternator, how the car is driven/stored, and what devices you have connected.

How often does a car alternator need to be replaced?

In general, you can expect alternators to last about 6-10 years, or about 80,000-150,000 miles.

What are some signs of a bad alternator?

4 Symptoms of a Faulty Alternator

  • Car Won’t Start. A dead battery almost always lies behind a car that won’t start.
  • Engine Stalling. A dead alternator almost always leads to a car that won’t start.
  • Electrical Issues. A dying alternator can lead to a wide range of other electrical issues.
  • Unusual Sounds.
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Will a car run with a bad alternator?

Yes a car can run with a bad alternator. From the symptoms your describing however I’d be leaning towards a bad voltage regulator. Without a Year, Make, Model and engine size it’s hard for me to give you a more accurate answer.

How long would a battery last with a bad alternator?

When you drive without a functioning alternator, your vehicle can only go for around Twenty-five miles before the battery is empty if you had a fully charged battery. Twenty-five miles translates to a maximum of approximately 30 minutes of driving.

What are the signs of bad alternator?

While running the car,note the brightness of the interior lights.

  • Do you notice your headlights running brighter as you accelerate and dimming as you stop?
  • Did you hear a growling sound before the trouble started?
  • Are there signs your alternator is overheating,such as the smell of burning rubber or hot wires?
  • How long does it take to replace an alternator?

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    The estimated time to change an alternator is 60 minutes, according to Mobil Oil. A combination wrench, socket wrench, vise grips and a large flat-blade screwdriver are required to complete the task. Sandpaper may also be needed if the nuts and bolts have become corroded.