
Who were hirtius and Pansa?

Who were hirtius and Pansa?

Having been nominated for that post by Caesar, Hirtius and Pansa became consuls in 43. Initially a supporter of Mark Antony, Hirtius was successfully lobbied by Cicero, who was a personal friend, and switched his allegiance to the senatorial party. He then set out with an army to attack Antony who was besieging Mutina.

What was the battle between Octavian and Antony?

Battle of Actium, (September 2, 31 bc), naval battle off a promontory in the north of Acarnania, on the western coast of Greece, where Octavian (known as the emperor Augustus after 27 bc), by his decisive victory over Mark Antony, became the undisputed master of the Roman world.

What happened at the Battle of Forum Gallorum?

Hirtius was killed in the fighting at Mutina; Pansa was still recovering from his wound at Forum Gallorum but died on 23 April in unexplained circumstances….

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Battle of Forum Gallorum
Gaius Pansa ( DOW ) Aulus Hirtius Octavian Mark Antony Marcus Junius Silanus

What happened in the Battle of Mutina?

The fighting was very fierce and bloody; the Republican troops broke into the enemy’s camps but Antony’s veterans counterattacked. Hirtius himself was killed in the melee while attacking Antony’s camp, leaving the army and republic leaderless….Battle of Mutina.

Date 21 April 43 BC
Location Northern Italy
Result Senatorial victory

Who was Pansa?

Pansa was the son of moneyer Gaius Vibius Pansa. One of the first members of the gens Vibia to achieve political success, he was a Novus homo who rose through the cursus honorum as a result of his friendship with Julius Caesar, under whom he served in Gaul.

What was the outcome of the battle of pharsalus?

The Battle of Pharsalus was the decisive battle of Caesar’s Civil War fought on 9 August 48 BC near Pharsalus in central Greece. Julius Caesar and his allies formed up opposite the army of the Roman Republic under the command of Pompey….Battle of Pharsalus.

Date 9 August 48 BC
Result Caesarian victory
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Who did Octavian defeat?

Mark Antony
Mark Antony, Latin Marcus Antonius, (born 83—died August, 30 bce, Alexandria, Egypt), Roman general under Julius Caesar and later triumvir (43–30 bce), who, with Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, was defeated by Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) in the last of the civil wars that destroyed the Roman Republic.

How did Mark Antony lose to Octavian?

Antony lost because of his failure to view Octavian’s political and military success as a serious threat, his lack of political favoritism and support with the Senate in Rome, and finally abandoning his loyal army at the battle of Actium. …

What happened to Mark Antony after Caesar’s death?

After Caesar’s assassination in 44 BC, Antony joined forces with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, another of Caesar’s generals, and Octavian, Caesar’s great-nephew and adopted son, forming a three-man dictatorship known to historians as the Second Triumvirate.

Where is mutina?

Northern Italy
Battle of Mutina/Location

What was the House of Pansa used for?

It is believed that they were used as shops, store rooms and living quarters. Archaeologists even discovered a sign put up by the owner, advertising units available to rent. The house’s main entrance is located on the via delle Terme.

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What happened at the Battle of Mutina in 43 BC?

The Battle of Mutina took place on 21 April 43 BC between the forces loyal to the Senate under Consuls Gaius Vibius Pansa and Aulus Hirtius, supported by the legions of Caesar Octavian, and the Caesarian legions of Mark Antony which were besieging the troops of Decimus Brutus.

What happened to PanSa in 43 BC?

On 19 March 43 BC, Pansa, the other new consul, was also sent north from Rome to join up with Hirtius (his fellow consul) and Octavian, at Forum Gallorum. Pansa had four legions of recruits.

What is mutmutina and why is it important?

Mutina is essentially where Octavian turns from an inferior young man to an equal of Antony. He immediately adopted an attitude of opposition to Decimus Brutus, refusing any co-operation with this murderer of Caesar.

Why is the Antietam death toll hard to count?

The ferocity of that single day of fighting and the haphazard means by which graves were arranged has made the Antietam death toll hard to truly measure. During the September 17, 1862 Battle of Antietam, casualties piled almost too high to count.