
Why are INFPs so serious?

Why are INFPs so serious?

INFPs don’t need to constantly be taken seriously, they just want to be sure people pay attention when they are expressing something sincere. INFPs have strong inner morals and this can make them appear a bit too serious sometimes, especially when they are trying to express something important to them.

Can Infp be ruthless?

INFPs have strong morals, which means they don’t believe in being cutthroat in order to succeed. They would rather not succeed in a situation that requires them to squish others in order to do so. INFPs are perfectly okay with not being the best, as long as they know they have done the right thing.

Are infinfps serious?

INFPs are generally always really serious. We weigh everything seriously. It just might not look like we’re serious because we’re very happy-go-lucky in general, but the decisions we take are all serious decisions. We take decision-making so seriously that we agonize for weeks over our decisions.

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What are INFPs like in real life?

Unfortunately for INFPs, these idealist qualities can be difficult to manage in the real world. The career fields you are naturally suited for (the arts, counseling, education) aren’t always respected, and others may not understand the “higher goals” you seek to achieve.

Do INFPs need to act authenticly?

You can always choose to do something else. For INFPs, that usually means living in congruence with your values. Of all the 16 personality types in Myers and Briggs’ typology, you have the strongest need to act authentically and will never be happy unless you are true to yourself.

What does it mean to be an INFP?

As an INFP, you instinctively know when something you’re doing feels wrong. You may not know why something is off in your life, but you definitely know that it is. This level of self-awareness is the reason why you learn so quickly, and why you are so open-minded and flexible in all aspects of your life.