Tips and tricks

What were spears and bows used for?

What were spears and bows used for?

Exactly why this was the case has long eluded archaeologists, but now, an international team of researchers may have found the answer – modern humans developed projectile weapons such as spears and spear-throwers and bows and arrows to enable them to hunt more successfully than Neanderthals.

What is the difference between an arrow and a spear?

As nouns the difference between arrow and spear is that arrow is a projectile consisting of a shaft, a point and a tail with stabilizing fins that is shot from a bow while spear is a long stick with a sharp tip used as a weapon for throwing or thrusting, or anything used to make a thrusting motion.

Why was the spear the most common weapon?

In the late period of the Roman Empire, the spear became more often used because of its anti-cavalry capacities as the barbarian invasions were often conducted by people with a developed culture of cavalry in warfare.

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Is a spear better than a bow?

In general, the spear thrower is more effective in somewhat open settings and against large animals that are slow to respond to attack. Archery is most effective on medium to small animals, especially in forested settings.

How effective is a spear as a weapon?

In formation you need a very high concentration of spear points two handed to be effective. These can compete with sword and shield effectively. For the most of history spear was most used and most useful weapon. Swords were expensive, required more training and could be used only for war.

How did the spearmen protect themselves from Swordsmen?

If they went to close quarters they would step on the spear shaft to shorten the spear into an Assegai. Like said already, one on one a swordsman cab get inside a spear, but a team of Spearmen could protect each other from swordsmen. One of the other main advantages of spears were that they were great for anti-cavalry.

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What is the difference between a spear and a sword?

In individual combat, sword/shield might have an advantage in some way, mainly because there are so many places and ways to strike with a sword compared to a spear that really only has thrusts, thus making a swordsmen more deadly. However, they have to be trained to use the sword effectively which is harder than for the spear.

Are there any modern day fighters who use spears?

Many highly skilled fighters have used spears. Samurai, knights, and numerous others would carry melee spears with them as their main weapon. Swords were typically backup weapons, and badges of rank. Something like an officer’s pistol in recent warfare.